2019-01-30 ODP WG Meeting notes

2019-01-30 ODP WG Meeting notes

Table of Contents


Wednesday, 2019-01-30, 12am ET


Morgan StanleyChair
Jamie JonesGitHubParticipant
Diane Mueller-KlingsporRed HatParticipant
Maurizio PillituFINOSParticipant
Gabriele ColumbroFINOSFacilitator
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSFacilitator
Adam BatkinAQRGuest
Espen OverbyeOpenFinGuest
Riko EksteenAdaptiveGuest
Rich LinnellJPMCGuest
Tristan RatchfordWellingtonGuest
Alessandro PetroniRed HatGuest

Outstanding Action Items

  • Open for volunteers to build a spike - similar to the one built with ProtoBuf - to present to the FOS Working Group as a solution to adopt


Time ItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minsConvene & Roll Call

10 mins

Decomposition of ODP-62 (Reference object library implementation for Financial Objects Working Group)

15 mins

Demo of ODP-65 (Object definitions on GitHub and documentation generation on GitHub Pages)