Open Source Readiness Working Group [ARCHIVED]

Open Source Readiness Working Group [ARCHIVED]

This group is no longer meeting, as it has been subsumed into the broader Open Source Readiness Program. Please consult the Open Source Readiness Project page instead for ongoing meetings.

Working Group Charter

  1. Discuss and document the requirements of financial services firms engaging with open source software
  2. Produce a reference open source policy for financial services firms encompassing consumption of and contribution to third-party open source software, as well as open source publication of internally developed software
  3. Produce recommendations and best practices for implementing the reference policy via procedures, tooling and infrastructure, human resources, etc.
  4. Promote knowledge-sharing between participants to enable their adoption and implementation of effective policies

Group Information

Participation Requirements


The Team


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
2017-10-10 Meeting notes
  • All: review Linux Foundation open source request template
2017-10-10 Meeting notes
  • All: review draft open source policy outline
2017-10-10 Meeting notes

The Working Group was approved by the ESCo on 2017-09-26.

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