FDX Roadmap

FDX Roadmap

Here is the current short and year-long roadmap for the FDX program. Is will be updated within 1 week following each Foundation board meeting. The next update is expected by: May 8, 2019.

The roadmap is divided by each project and working group, and subdivided based on ongoing tasks, near future(< next 2 quarters) efforts, and future (2+ quarters away). The roadmap is under constant evolution, and is not a guarantee of any finished work.

Dx Project


  • Program support

Near future

  • Survey of SDLC tooling for Foundation projects
  • Members meeting presentation of survey results
  • GitHub Business Account for Finos/projects


  • Aid in project ODP onboarding
  • Follow-up survey
  • Review TravisCI inclusion in ODP
  • GitHub-based usage and statistics research

Cloud Compliance project

Near future

  • Stand up
  • Participation/use by one other firm


  • Contribution by one other firm
  • Inclusion of another vendor



  • Maintenance and support


Near future

  • Removing frictions (limiting Confluence damages, getting rid of Google Groups
  • Active participation metrics and program health (all about metrics.finos.org)
  • Supporting large Big contributions, ie PerspectiveJS, Cloud Compliance and another couple at the horizon


  • Security tooling
  • Bill of Materials tooling
  • Potential ingestion of requirements relating to TravisCI

GitHub Chatops Bot


  • Maintenance and support


  • Refresh based on GitHub/slack integration for the November OSSF

Contrib-toolbox and parent-pom


  • Maintenance and support

Near future

  • Inclusion in Dx survey for feedback


  • GitHub-based usage research (first consumer)

Cloud Native working group

Near future

  • Paused


  • Red Hat white paper

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