2018-09-19 ODP WG Meeting notes

2018-09-19 ODP WG Meeting notes

Table of Contents


Wednesday, 2018-09-05


Outstanding Action Items


Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
2Who's in the callGroup
10Review new documentationmaoNew ODP landscape and roadmap diagram, ODP docs under WG page, leaner ODP WG docs. Feedback on finos.org/odp?
10Feedback on survey sent out with general tool access and implementation questions.mao

GS responded, working on Google Groups issue with Google Support

10ODP at OSSFGroup


  1. Co-presenting (FINOS and a bank) the end-to-end developer workflow, from local development to code publishing (and release) into GitHub? Would be great to have another bank (on stage) who demos how they can consume what's being just published and submit a bug fix.
  2. Diane's proposal

ODP Backlog prioritization


It's mandatory that we allocate tasks for a sprint, during this meeting

3AOB & adjourn


Decisions Made

  • We aim at having 2 talks at OSSF, one from Diane, one from FINOS + banks 

Action Items

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