2019-01-02 kdb+ WG Minutes
Table of Contents
- January 2, 2019. 11am ET
Name | Organisation |
Rob Underwood (Deactivated) | FINOS |
Morgan Stanley | |
Alok Dutt | Citi |
Jason Foster-Bey | JP Morgan |
Yanni Kostalas | Nomura |
Action Items
Tasks Identified and Assigned
- Alok to reach out to BAML and GS
- Jason to send out information about namespace conventions.
- Alvin Shih to send out conventions that get used for qualifying names.
- Alvin ask Jeff Borror to review Morgan Stanley q coding standards.
- Alvin to email out link to C++ Core Guidelines.
- Alvin to look into one-person-one-account policy at GitHub.
- Alvin to write about what "industrial" coding style is and why kdb WG will pursue that route.
Task Report from the Last Meeting
(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes |
Decisions Made
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call. | All | |
5 min | Review and approve minutes from last meeting. | All | Approved by acclamation. |
10 min | OSR vs FDX. | All | Rob: Clarified how OSR is separate from FDX. OSR (Open Source Readiness) is more about legal aspects and licensing - areas where lawyers and HR get involved. The FDX (FinServ Developer Experience) program is about collaboration infrastructure. The ODP (Open Developer Platform) WG under FDX focuses on communication / sharing, such as Wiki / GItHub. DX (Developer Experience) WG looks at how software is built. Jason Foster-Bey: Got access to Confluence. |
5 min | kdb+ WG roadmap. | All | Sam not on the call. Saw an email notification that he successful made a small edit to the charter on the Wiki. Hoping he'll have time to put the roadmap he shared over email on the Wiki at some point. |
10 min | kdb+ WG participation. | All | Alok: Will reach out internally at Citi. Yanni: Will talk to others at Nomura. Rob: Will contact AquaQ and see where they're at. Alvin: Will get a couple of hands-on kdb types at MS on the data- tech-kdb list. |
10 min | Namespacing discussion. | All | Jason: Will review the email discussion and weigh in when he can. Yanni: Not a lot of namespacing happening at Nomura. Jason: At JPMC, some functions get loaded at the top level. Their module loading mechanism uses a search path. Alok: Anaconda has done a good job. See if we can borrow ideas from them. Will see if he can get a discussion going with Peter Wang, since they were presenters at the same Kx Meetup. Probably quite different from where most of us are now. That's the "long game". |
10 min | Getting some code into GitHub? | All | Alvin: With the namespacing / module loading discussions still in the air, maybe easier to start with standalone tools? Will try to get qdoc HTML document tool out there. HDB consistency report might be another candidate. |
5 min | AOB | All |
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