2018-11-07 kdb+ WG Minutes
Table of Contents
- November 7, 2018. 11am ET
Name | Organisation |
Morgan Stanley | |
Rob Underwood (Deactivated) | FINOS |
Phineas Dashevsky | UBS |
Sam Eberspacher | (individual) |
Alok Dutt | Citi |
Yanni Kostalas | Nomura |
Action Items
Tasks Identified and Assigned
- Alok to reach out to BAML and GS
- Jason to send out information about namespace conventions.
- Alvin Shih to send out conventions that get used for qualifying names.
- Alvin ask Jeff Borror to review Morgan Stanley q coding standards.
- Alvin to email out link to C++ Core Guidelines.
- Alvin to look into one-person-one-account policy at GitHub.
- Alvin to write about what "industrial" coding style is and why kdb WG will pursue that route.
Task Report from the Last Meeting
(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes |
Decisions Made
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call. | All | New attendees to the call: Phineas Dashevsky (UBS) and Yanni Kostalas (Nomura). |
5 min | Review and approve minutes from last meeting. | All | Approved by acclamation. |
5 min | FINOS updates. "Security Reference Data" Working Group is Approved. Data Technologies press release going out ahead of OSSF. | All | Alvin : FINOS released guidelines for participants on how to indicate involvement on Linkedin. Sam : Suggested putting roadmap for kdb+ WG on the Wiki. |
15 min | Open Source Readiness. Try to exercise GitHub access from your company and become a "watcher". How's access to the data-tech-kdb mail group working out? | All | Rob : Google group, finos-data-tech no longer requires an invite. Interested parties can join on demand. Alvin : Asked everyone to take a look at the GitHub pull request for "q coding guidelines". No reports of being blocked by firewall / web proxy by any of the attendees. Sam : Google makes its employees join its GitHub Organization to manage permissions and follow what's being contributed. Rob : Contributors with CCLA / ICLA on file are included in a JSON whitelist that is checked by GitHub. |
15 min | "q coding guidelines" pull request is up. https://github.com/finos-data-tech/kdb/pull/1 Please review and comment there. Discuss of comments from samiam14 and see what action items fall out. | All | Sam : Said he's fine with releasing the "q coding guidelines". People can submit pull requests to make changes or kick off discussions on the mail group. All : Group was in favour of JavaDoc style for internal documentation standard over anything more obscure. Sam : Noted that RFCs have well-defined semantics around words like, "should", "recommend", "may", "optional", etc. Suggested we codify such conventions in a "meta document" / "standards for our standards". |
15 min | AOB | All | Sam : Would like kdb+ WG to reach 10 regular attendees. Alok : Curious if Kx has someone in a "community development" role who'd like to run the WG meetings. Alvin : Hoping FINOS will add some kind of collaborative document editing to The Platform. Alvin : Rob made an e-introduction to someone at RedHat who's in contact with Anaconda. I sent an email asking if they know who deals with packaging of Kx artifacts, but didn't hear back. |
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