Template - Minutes of the kdb+ Project

Table of Contents




Action Items

Tasks Identified and Assigned

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
    • Type your subtask here
  • Type another task. Make sure to include an owner (assignee) and a due date.

Task Report from the Last Meeting

(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Leslie Spiro come up with an alternative proposal for save & restore state before next meeting  
26 Dec 2017 DW API WG Action Items
  • JC: talk to tech team about exposing URI interfaces for interacting with chat windows to third parties in a stable, standardized way  
26 Dec 2017 DW API WG Action Items
09 Jan 2018Lawrence Miller (Deactivated)DW API WG Action Items
  • Leslie Spiro to raise a Plexus Interop API pull request against the FDC3 project
Leslie Spiro2020-09-18 Interop API WG
  • Leslie Spiro to assess whether to contribute the Plexus Interop API demos to FDC3, or Archive, based on the FDC3 inclusion decision.
Leslie Spiro2020-09-18 Interop API WG
  • Discuss as project how, if TimeBase were contributed, whether 1) it could be part of this project (under the moniker of TSDB), 2) as a separate project, and (not mutually exclusively), 3) create a Time Series Database Special Interest Group
2020-08-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes
Maurizio Pillitu2020-08-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes
James McLeod (Unlicensed)2020-08-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes
  • James McLeod (Unlicensed) to reach out to both Cloud Cert community, and to DB, to see if either the Cloud Cert project or in DB if there be more previously unidentified Kdb project interest
James McLeod (Unlicensed)2020-08-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes
  • Leslie Spiro to raise a Plexus Interop API pull request against the FDC3 project
Leslie Spiro2020-07-17 Interop API WG
  • Leslie Spiro to assess whether to contribute the Plexus Interop API demos to FDC3, or Archive, based on the FDC3 inclusion decision.
Leslie Spiro2020-07-17 Interop API WG
  • Sailesh to create a confluence page which will list all orgs we are reaching out to. Member reachout  
2020-06-02 Security Reference Data Project Meeting
  • Sailesh to add few use cases to this proposal and send it to everyone by Friday.
2020-06-02 Security Reference Data Project Meeting
  • Sailesh to create a confluence page which will list all orgs we are reaching out to. Member reachout  
2020-06-02 Security Reference Data Project Meeting
  • Sailesh to add few use cases to this proposal and send it to everyone by Friday.
2020-06-02 Security Reference Data Project Meeting
  • Meeting minutes: 
2020-05-01 Meeting
nicholas kolba2020-05-01 Meeting
  • Archive FDC3 wiki pages, as meeting minutes will now be taken in GitHub (Aitana Myohl)
Aitana Myohl2020-05-01 Meeting
  • Ian Tivey to talk to CitiHub clients about joining Cloud Service Certification and their use of Kubernetes
2020-05-07 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting
James McLeod (Unlicensed)2020-05-07 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

Decisions Made


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

5 minAOB & adjourn

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