2020-01-06 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes

2020-01-06 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes status: Approved (at 2020-02-03 meeting)

Table of Contents


  • January 6, 2020. 11am ET


NameOrganisationGithub ID 
Alvin ShihMorgan Stanleyalvin-c-shih
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16
James McLeod (Unlicensed)FINOSmcleo-d
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob
Peter GyorokMorgan Stanleygyorokpeter
Tim BeletskiyJP Morgan
Jonny PressAquaQ
Gary DaviesAquaQ
Aaron DaviesMorgan Stanley adavies42
Kai ZengUBS

Action Items

Tasks Identified and Assigned

Task Report from the Last Meeting

(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Asking about license for developers
2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes
  • Decision - How to make use of the Kx/Kdb naming space in a consistent way across firms
2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes
  • Share sample tests, configurations, in part to start to create guidelines for naming (on-going task as working group stands up)
2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes

Decisions Made


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call.


It was agreed to move the meeting to 10am on the first Monday of the month.

5 minReview and approve minutes from last meeting.AllApproved by acclamation.
10 min

Can AquaQ's TorQ be brought wholesale into FINOS?

  • JPMC uses it.
    • Arduous process for their Legal department to arrange for contributions back.
  • Seems like FINOS was made for this.
  • TorQ is under MIT license which is compatible with FINOS.
  • JPMC does have a process for contributing to Open Source.
    • So they still can contribute to TorQ that way.
    • Can take a few weeks or so go get approval.
    • Also have an internal crowd sourcing model.
    • https://perspective.finos.org/ is a JPMC contribution!
  • Advantage of FINOS CCLA is that it covers a number of projects.
  • Jonny to have some conversations with FINOS to see what might work.
10 min

Fork Studio for kdb+?

  • Main issue is that it's currently GPL3.
  • Need everyone to lobby Charlie to change the license to something FINOS-compatible.
  • Anybody know how to set up the build for this?
    • Uses Java + NetBeans.
  • Business Metrics team at Morgan Stanley has some enhancements that they'd like to contribute.
    • JPMC also has some in-house customizations (SSO, for example).
    • Someone on the call agreed to ping Charles Skelton about a license change.
  • qPad is also a querying UI for kdb.
    • Not open source.
      • Distributed as a Windows binary.
      • IT Security teams want to be able to review it.
      • Authentication plugin capability is a requirement for Enterprise environments.
    • AquaQ and one of the callers know the qPad author.
10 min

Helper functions for qPython client API from Exxeleron?

  • qPython supports passing general list of typed elements to invoke function call.
  • Their API to create atoms is very clunky compared to ki / kj / ktn of C API.
  • Looking for collaborators to bounce ideas around to ensure something that's useful to a wide-ish audience.
  • Members on the call use qPython, but not enough to feel inconvenienced.
    • No interest in a wrapper at the moment.
5 min

Seeking reviewers for "initHook".

  • Allows initialization code to specify dependencies and run them in a sensible order.
  • Particularly important when libraries depend on other libraries.
  • Strong use case for initHook is building up list of flags that are accepted by command line parser.
    • For example, various modules that aren't aware of each other can append to list of flags.
    • initHook can then initialize the command line parsing library with the full listt.
  • A slightly dodgier use case is loading C/C++ libraries in a specific order.
  • Makes onboarding a command line parsing library more of a priority.
5 minAOBAll

Action Items

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