2019-03-04 kdb+ WG Minutes
Table of Contents
- March 4, 2019. 11am ET
Name | Organisation |
Aaron Davies | Morgan Stanley |
Sam Eberspacher | (Independent) |
Peter Gyorok | Morgan Stanley |
Kai Zeng | UBS |
Morgan Stanley | |
Rob Underwood (Deactivated) | FINOS |
Jason Foster-Bey | JPMC |
Action Items
Tasks Identified and Assigned
- Alok to reach out to BAML and GS
- Alvin Shih to send out conventions that get used for qualifying names.
Task Report from the Last Meeting
(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes |
Decisions Made
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call. | All | |
5 min | Review and approve minutes from last meeting. | All | Approved by acclamation. |
5 min | All | Alvin to ping Ken Brady at MS. See if Jason knows of Ilya. Sam to ping a few folks at Citi. | |
10 min | Default security handlers. Discuss straw man implementation put on on data-tech-kdb. | All | Peter: Mentioned that use of "reval" doesn't work with functions that cache / memoize behind the scenes. Sam: Thinks the read-only level of access is probably a 90% solution and something we can put out there. Aaron: What about .z.pw / .z.ac ? Alvin: Out of scope. The .z.pg / .z.ps handlers are "authorization". .z.pw / .z.ac are "authentication" and probably different for every environment. I should add some kind of "auth" namespace component. Aaron: Functions to manipulate the white lists? Alvin: Probably a good idea given the namespacing / aliasing discussion where functions can be aliased but variables cannot. Will add such functions to the strawman and email out. |
10 min | Review FINOS CONTRIBUTING.md template. https://github.com/finos/project-blueprint/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md | All | Sam has submitted a pull request. Alvin to approve. Alvin to set up notifications to go to his work email. Sam to send email on data-tech-kdb group about his CONTRIBUTING.md pull request, as well as his edits. |
10 | Update on Incubator branch. I can create it myself. I'll try putting qdoc there. It's pretty much ready to go. Hope to get a getopt in there as well. | All | Sam: Recommends separate incubator branches for each contribution. Yields clean history.
Alvin: To look at GitHub web interface and see how to set it up. May result in email to data-tech-kdb about conventions. |
5 | dbmaint.q . Aaron Williamson says there should be no issue forking it. Just need a few notices added to the file itself and in the directory. | All | Aaron: Looking to add splayed table support and HDB consistency checking. Alvin: Consistency checker probably needs a logging API. Let's sketch out the basic API on email and leave out complications like log rolling and multithreaded plugin support for now. |
5 min | Python + q deployment. Start a Markdown document on the various patterns / antipatterns for combining q + Python in an enterprise environment? Anyone we can loop in who does a lot of this in the Real World? | All | Alvin: Asked if anyone deploys Python + q to Prod and wants to help advise on how kdb module loading / versioning can be aligned with those conventions. No volunteers. Alvin: Suggests taking advantage of Kx Meetups as networking opportunities to find such people. Alvin: Will try to get a member of a Morgan Stanley team that makes heavy use of PyQ to join the next kdb+ WG call. |
5 min | AOB | All | Rob: Other WG's trying out GitHub pages and Docusaurus for micro-sites covering standards and docs of that ilk. Wiki still being used for day-to-day / week-to-week activities. Alvin: Will try to ping folks and otherwise move things along in a week or two instead of the day before the next call. |
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