2020-02-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes

2020-02-03 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes status: Approved (at 2020-03-02 meeting)

Table of Contents


  • February 3, 2020. 10am ET


NameOrganisationGithub ID 
Alvin ShihMorgan Stanleyalvin-c-shih
Tim BeletskiyJP Morgan
Aaron DaviesMorgan Stanleyadavies42
Peter GyorokMorgan Stanleygyorokpeter
Jonny PressAquaQ


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call.


5 minReview and approve minutes from last meeting.AllApproved by acclamation.
5 min

Fork Studio for kdb+.

  • No one from FINOS on the call to discuss Studio for kdb+.
    • Revisit this next time.
  • Someone contacted maintainer of q Insight Pad about open sourcing it.
    • Current thinking is that open source is a possibility, but not something as permissive as an MIT license.
    • Would still like to retain a measure of control over its direction and who might support it commercially.
10 min

JupyterQ / PyQ notebooks?

  • Any interest in contributions for those?
  • Since q doesn't have a proper "spawn" call, it's arguably safer to do HDB maintenance (copy / link / remove files) from Python.
  • More robust examples of q / Python interop?
    • JupyterQ / embedPy examples of saving DataFrames to Pickle?
    • PyQ examples of loading serialized q into Python?
  • The idea of using Python scripts for HDB maintenance was not popular.
  • The preferred direction was:
    1. Use q builtins as extensively as possible (hdel, etc.)
    2. Lobby for a proper function that takes an argument vector.  (Possibly as a -n!x "internal" function.)
    3. Release a plugin that wraps fork(2) / execvpe(3).
  • Best if members lobby Kx for #2 so that the entire community can benefit.
5 min

New ideas to increase contributions?

  • Snippets gallery instead of fully-baked libraries?
  • Just let Peter go all out?  (smile)
5 minAOBAll

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