2019-07-01 kdb+ WG Minutes
Meeting minute status: Approved (on 8/5/2019)
Table of Contents
- July 1, 2019. 11am ET
Name | Organisation | Github ID |
Rob Underwood (Deactivated) | FINOS | brooklynrob |
Aitana Myohl | FINOS | |
Alvin Shih | Morgan Stanley | alvin-c-shih |
Aaron Davies | Morgan Stanley | adavies42 |
Peter Gyorok | Morgan Stanley | gyorokpeter |
Jason Foster-Bey | JP Morgan | |
Latchezar Nikolov | Morgan Stanley | |
Yair Marcow | Mavenomics |
Action Items
Tasks Identified and Assigned
- Alok to reach out to BAML and GS
- Alvin Shih to send out conventions that get used for qualifying names.
Task Report from the Last Meeting
(In the task report select the meetings notes from the LAST meeting in the 'Space(s) and page(s)' field to auto-populate this table– remove this note before publishing)
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes | ||
| 2018-09-05 kdb+ WG Minutes |
Decisions Made
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call. | All | |
5 min | Review and approve minutes from last meeting. | All | Approved by acclamation. |
5 min | Discuss authz_ro pull request. Useful enough to merge to master? Anybody want to contribute some finishing touches? | All | Question about Kx commenting convention raised again. Does .z.pp need a default implementation? No. Does nothing by default. Does .z.pq need a default implementation? Yes. Use the same handler as for .z.pg. Suggestion about including best practices to add RW users to the documentation. |
5 min | Discuss structlog pull request. Is this something you'd use yourself? Standardized dictionary keys? Any contributions in terms of pipeline stages? (With a good set of standard keys, could have utilities that scrub sensitive info in Prod, etc.) | All | Discussion to be taken to email. |
5 min | q style alignment with python? Leading underscore to indicate "protected" and leading double underscore to indicate "private"? | All | q doesn't like leading underscores in various contexts. foo._a:1 works, but \d .foo followed by _a:1 does not. `_a does not parse as a legal symbol. Although some of us don't like using \d , there might be a nontrivial portion of the kdb community who do. Scrapping the idea. |
5 min | Status update on HDB well-formedness document. | All | Has been updated based on feedback inside Morgan Stanley. Scripts that generate appropriate test HDBs to allow readers to verify various claims for themselves and / or support unit tests are under development. Possibly another month before a draft is made externally available. |
5 min | Update on "include" and "InitHook"? | All | "include" library may be pushable soon. Implementation should be MS-Windows compatible. ` vs doesn't split on "\" on Windows. Morgan Stanley should submit a KXTRACK ticket for that. |
5 min | FDX: Any blockers to contribution we can help with? | All | Attempt to push "include" code blocked at proxy. Probably just propagation delay for new permissions. |
5 min | Other goings on in DT: Data Helix (data generator) and Exodus (schema migration tool). | All | No comments from kdb+ WG at the moment. |
5 min | Public cloud? Service discovery? | All | Kx has done presentations on how they work with Google Cloud, AWS. https://www.firstderivatives.com/cloud-academy/ Not much use of cloud among current kdb+ WG members. Should the time come, we could check in with FDX and the Cloud Service Certification Project. |
5 min | AOB | All |
Action Items
- Jason Foster-Bey to start follow-up thread re:structlog
- Aaron Davies to send out HDB consistency doc.
- Peter Gyorok to put "include" on GitHub.
- Alvin Shih to put together qstructlog PoC.
- Aaron Davies to get Symphony access to discuss authz_ro with Jason Foster-Bey.
- Aaron Davies to get approvals for pushing kdb+ WG-related work to GitHub.
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