2016-06-29 Meeting Agenda / Notes
Notes from Previous Meeting
Desktop Container Features and Standardization
We decided in the meeting to start collecting whatever information we all have on the different features provided by various desktop containers such that we can create a feature matrix and then look at what process we would want to follow to standardise (Thanks to Peter Monks for volunteering to put together the matrix).
(see Notes and Actions : https://symphonyoss.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30638085)
Can all members please see if they have such a document and if they would be willing to share it.
You should be able to upload any documents to the WG-Desktop Wrapper Documents area
See https://symphonyoss.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WGDWAPI/WG-Desktop+Wrapper+Documents
Meeting Notes
Discussed potential for Minuet to move to Electron in the future - need to session to discuss
Suggestion for a potential future project to bridge the electron C extensions to Java, .Net etc
Symphony API requirements - New Window, Notification, IPC (Websocket bus), Extensibility (Native libs)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 min | Update on Minuet | TBD |
Review Actions from Last meeting, discuss findings | JT to Lead |
Action items
- All: to expand out comparison matrix
- Former user (Deleted), schedule session to review APIs
- Former user (Deleted) speak to Peter Monks re potentially undertaking some of the comparison work
- Former user (Deleted): schedule discussion on future plans and how we manage contributions plus major design decisions (like a move to Electron). We should discuss future support arrangements, i.e. we shouldn't all need to make the same security patch.
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