2016-07-27 Meeting Agenda / Notes

2016-07-27 Meeting Agenda / Notes



MemberOrganizationPresent / Absent
Credit SuissePresent

Mark Erdtmann

JP MorganAbsent
Credit Suisse Absent
Symphony LLCPresent (joined late)
Symphony LLCAbsent
Gavin White Tradition Absent
Tim BurchamMarkitAbsent
Goldman SachsAbsent
Morgan StanleyPresent
Morgan StanleyAbsent
Richard KleterDeutsche BankAbsent
Douglas EsanbockDow JonesAbsent
Julian Ling

S&P Global Market Intelligence

Greg Romer

S&P Global Market Intelligence

Gareth DaviesGoldman SachsPresent
Symphony Software Foundation


Nick KolbaOpenFinPresent
John HenryCitiPresent

Joe Qiao



10 minRoll call, review actions from last meeting, discuss findings

 5 minIntroduce OpenFinNick Kolba
5 min Minuet Open Source update 
20 min Discuss  WG Charter and purpose going forwards<All>
5 min Discuss  ScottLogic
Scott Logic who have experience with HTML5 containers and applications in the Financial Services are interested in getting engaged with the group.


Previous Action Items

From Earlier Meetings

  • Former user (Deleted): schedule session to review APIs
  • Former user (Deleted): schedule discussion on future plans and how we manage contributions plus major design decisions (like a move to Electron). We should discuss future support arrangements, i.e. we shouldn't all need to make the same security patch.

From Last Meeting

Meeting Notes

  • Introducing Nick Kolba from OpenFin
    • Formerly ICON architect at Thomson Reuters
  • Minuet open sourcing
    • Still awaiting final legal approval from GS
  • Charter discussion
    • Former user (Deleted) - WilliamS was saying that Minuet could be advanced by embedding Electron within it
    • Former user (Deleted) if there were docs / source code for Minuet, I could compare it to other containers we've been evaluating
      • But right now I don't have anything
      • I don't know how Minuet interacts within Symphony
    • Containers tend to have markedly different development approaches.  Building an Electron app, for example, is not like building a web app.
    • The real value proposition of a container is being able to leverage native platform capabilities
    • "We should be careful how far we want to push the rock of standardisation and platform / container independence."
      • There are some fundamental differences between platforms that can't be abstracted away e.g. window management on Windows vs iOS
    • "The key is an extensibility framework - having a mechanism to allow developers to develop low-level plugins that can be exposed up to the JS app layer."
      • Symphony's plugins (desktop-native notifications, end-to-end encryption) are good examples of these plugins
      • It also allows fallbacks e.g. for older platforms
      • You can't make everyone happy with pre-built capabilities, but extensibility offers a "choose your own adventure" path - offers flexibility for developers to make a choice
      • This is two things:
        • Extensibility of the container itself via low-level plugins
        • APIs that expose those low level capabilities up to the JS / UI layer
      • Rob Koyfman the embedding API provides some of this
      • Former user (Deleted) aren't we trying to identify the capabilities that the container will provide?
        • e.g. security, messaging
        • Need to understand what those core capabilities are, allowing code to introspect them
        • Base container ("the browser") plus additional capabilities for desktop wrapper
      • Peter Monks I see semi-independent 3 layers:
        • Extensibility / plugin model - the specifics of how new native code can be injected into the container
        • Discoverability around those plugins - the specifics of how app code discovers these plugins and their capabilities
        • Semantics around discoverability - (the hardest problem) the specifics of how app code can avoid "guessing" what capabilities mean, and be able to leverage new, previously unknown plugins
      • Features that Symphony explicitly extends the platform with:
        • Screen capture
        • Notifications
        • Native encryption
        • Shortcut keys
        • Windowing (locations, sizes, chromeless / skinned windows, etc.)
        • Base capabilities:
          • Security (whitelisted sites)
          • Message bus
    • How does OpenFin handle extensibility and feature discovery?
      • We take a very web-centric view on app development.  99% of the code should be web code.
      • Leverage OpenFin to do what's not possible via web standards.
        • These are all async callbacks, so if something isn't supported the app code has recourse.
      • The intent it that the app would also have its own wrapper, and handle unsupported callbacks, so that if that code is not running in OpenFin (e.g. in a browser) it still functions.  An example might be opening windows, where OpenFin offers more variations (chromeless / modal windows) than browsers.
      • This is the same model ICON used.
      • This model allows fallback capabilities to be implemented via standard browser mechanisms, where possible.
      • OpenFin offers discoverability via a message bus - messages are not predefined.
      • Discoverability could be implemented on top of that, but it's not core to OpenFin.
      • For OpenFin itself, we mostly provide tooling.  We don't support discoverability - we don't have a directory as part of our solution.
    • Two ways to come at this:
      • From the framework "up", with Symphony one example (of potentially) many apps
      • From Symphony "down", with the platform focused on fulfilling Symphony's needs first

  • <Ran out of time to discuss ScottLogic - will add to next meeting's agenda>

New Action items

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