2017-03-08 Meeting notes

2017-03-08 Meeting notes

Table of Contents



Symphony LLC
Brian IngenitoMorgan Stanley
Gareth DaviesGoldman Sachs
Symphony Software Foundation
Jonathan ChristensenSymphony LLC
Aaron WilliamsonSymphony Software Foundation
Leslie SpiroTick42
Former user (Deleted)Wells Fargo
Former user (Deleted)Credit Suisse
Jon HenryCiti

Actions items from previous meetings


5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings

See above

20 minUpdate (and demo?) from specification subgroup

See above

10 minUpdate on Symphony Electron roadmapJonathan Christensen

10 minUpdate on DB interbank interop progressFormer user (Deleted)

10 minUpdate on charter revisions and voteFormer user (Deleted)
5 minAOB & adjourn

Meeting notes

  • Specification Subgroup

    • Aaron Williamson: Any update from the specification subgroup?
    • Gareth Davies: We had our last meeting on Friday. Next step is for Colin’s team to implement some real code samples on GitHub. We also put together proposed spec for screen snippet tool. Not very many people have had the chance to review it yet, so it’s subject to change. It’s on the Confluence page and we can share it around.
    • AW: Could you send an email to the mailing list with a link?

    • GD: Sure.

    • Peter Monks: Colin had some sample code he wanted to share. Foundation has been talking to him about the contribution policy and the mechanics of contributing the sample code to a Github repository. In the meantime, he’s doing the work on his personal Github to get it shared with the group as soon as it’s ready.

    • Leslie Spiro: Regarding the screen-snipping code, is this intended to be cross-platform? Is there a requirement that API features be implemented on every platform.

    • GD: We want the API to be platform-agnostic. Our proposal is that it would be a Javascript API that, for some features, would connect to a native implementation. For the Windows implementation of the screen-snipping feature, we’d probably start by stealing the code from Minuet because it’s already there, but we don’t want to bind ourselves to a platform.

    • LS: And there’s no requirement that all functionality be available on all platforms?

    • GD: No, the WG can’t really mandate that. We are addressing cross-platform, cross-container differences by providing an API to allow applications to query whether the container supports a particular feature.

    • PM: I can confirm that the Electron POC is cross-platform, and LLC’s intent is to keep it that way. And the goal here is to make sure the standard this group comes up with doesn’t prevent cross-platform interoperability, and I think the stars are aligning to make that true.

    • LS: And there wouldn’t be a requirement to support every feature on every platform?

    • PM: That might be a goal of this group, but whether the LLC decides to support, say, Linux, will come down to commercial decisions.

    • GD: We’re just trying to define standards—it’s not appropriate for the working group to say that this particular vendor must do X or Y. But if we develop the features the right way and they’re open source, the native code should be reusable across containers.

    • Jonathan Christensen: It’s not our intent to slow things down by implying that if a feature is available on Windows that an identical implementation must be available on Mac as well. Mac is important to us, but less to our customer base. We want it to compile, run, and eventually be supported, but outside of our internal use we have minimal demand.

    • PM: Is there a date by which Symphony LLC needs a finished standard from this group? At what point will the standard coming out of the WG be too late not to require rework by the LLC?

    • JC: We don’t have a date for that. Let’s connect offline.

    • GD: Lynn has been on most of the specification subgroup calls and is deep in the weeds developing the Electron container and telling us what he needs next, but we’re not working to specific dates. It’s in all our interests to make sure we have everyone agreeing in the early design phase.

  • Electron Development
    • AW: JC, do you have an update on the Electron backlog/roadmap.

    • JC: Only that we’re hiring – Lynn is currently the only developer, and we have an active recruiting pipeline.

Action items

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