WG Desktop Wrapper - Charter

WG Desktop Wrapper - Charter


The Charter was approved by the Working Groups on 2016-03-23 Meeting Agenda / Minutes, and was ratified by the ESCo.

Historical Information

The Symphony Desktop Client Framework (aka Minuet) has been open sourced to the Foundation.

The Technology was originally built by GS (named Paragon) and was contributed to the Foundation


Minuet should be differentiated from the Symphony desktop client application – the desktop client is an HTML application that is hosted within Minuet (or the Browser). Minuet uses a number of OSS projects and is based on CEF.

Minuet includes a desktop messaging hub for integration which Symphony use to expose specific symphony based APIs.

The working group is concerned with concrete functionality of the Minuet Framework, its technical APIs and its integration capability and not the Symphony specific application hosted within it.


The group will act as the steward of the Minuet Desktop Framework and integration capability, agreeing on the contribution mechanism and any other open source mechanics, and governing contributions as necessary. The group will also guide developments of Minuet to make it as attractive as possible in order to encourage adoption.

The group will seek to guide and governance the Minuet APIs, with a specific goal to improve consistency for integration with other similar technologies and in the wider context help to drive standardisation across the financial services industry such that applications such as Symphony might be hosted in different containers/frameworks.

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