2017-09-21 Meeting notes

2017-09-21 Meeting notes

Table of Contents


Actions items


  • Jonathan Christensen: Update Working Group if Symphony's plan to release Symphony Electron by the end of the year changes.

From Previous Meetings



Meeting notes

Aaron Williamson: Lynn, could you give an update on Symphony Electron development?

Lynn Neir: Sure. Development has continued on pace for a pre-release to select customers by the end of the year and GA in January. We’re close to feature-parity with Minuet now and continue to add features and improve stability.

Aaron Williamson: And customers with test environments can use it now?

Lynn Neir: Yes, they should be able to.

Brian Ingenito: I’ve tried to build it but I’m not able to download the tools necessary to build it on my Morgan Stanley workstation.

Lynn Neir: We could work with the Foundation to package and distribute executables if that would help

Peter Monks: GitHub releases are a good way to do this. I’ve been building out of the GitHub repo and it’s been very smooth.

Johan Sandersson: End of January for GA, is that an implied retirement of Minuet?

Jonathan Christensen: That’s an action item we have, but it won’t be a one-release crossover. We’ll need more time for testing and rollout. Some people are on old versions of Minuet and it’s expensive for some banks to distribute binaries to desktops.

Aaron Williamson: Any further coordination with OpenFin on their implementation?

Lynn Neir: I met with the OpenFin people about a month ago to get them on the current APIs. We got them past some hurdles, not sure what the current status is.

Nick Kolba: We’ve been working through stuff pretty effectively. We have some minor issues we’re aggregating that we’ll get back to you.

Lynn Neir: Yeah, that’s on the API rather than the client.

Nick Kolba: The app failed if the logging API wasn’t stubbed out. Super minor issues which is why we haven’t synced with you yet.

Aaron Williamson: Colin, any further exploration?

Colin Eberhardt: No, not really.

Aaron Williamson: Slava, want to give a Plexus update?

Slava Kryukov: We’re moving really fast on the contribution. We submitted our signed CCLA just a few days ago. On the timeline, we’re still on track for end of September and we’re working out small details on the contribution process review and working with the security team on firewall exceptions, etc. We’ve done some pre-checks on licenses with Mao, only found one small issue, so it’s all looking very good. Hopefully we’ll make a drop in a couple weeks’ time. Any questions?

Aaron Williamson: We’ve talked at past meetings about whether Symphony Electron would reproduce Minuet’s ability to interact with other applications on the desktop. Is the idea that Plexus would obviate the need to produce that?

Lawrence Miller: As the Plexus contribution moves along, I think it’s logical for it to replace that functionality, but we don’t have a timeline for that work. Part of the work we need to do in parallel is work on the product roadmap for those APIs and seeing what that would involve as we roll out into production.


5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings

See Action Items from previous meetings

10 minUpdate on Symphony Electron Development

10 minUpdate on development of alternative implementations

10 minUpdate on Plexus contribution

5 minAOB & adjourn


Credit Suisse


Leslie Spiro (interim chair)

Jonathan ChristensenSymphony LLCY
Andrew ChristieIpreo
Mazy DarOpenFinY
Goldman Sachs
Matthew GardnerBlackRock
Mark HuCiti
Brian IngenitoMorgan StanleyY
Richard KleterDeutsche Bank
Former user (Deleted)Deutsche BankY
Adam LancasterTick42Y
Ian J. McDermottJP Morgan
Symphony LLCY
Symphony LLCY
Ed SandersJP Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Ryan SharpChartIQ
Terry ThorsenChartIQY
Symphony Software Foundation
Symphony Software FoundationY
Symphony Software FoundationY

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