DW API WG Action Items
DW API WG Action Items
- Leslie Spiro come up with an alternative proposal for save & restore state before next meeting
- Next: Lawrence Miller (Deactivated) evaluate security of the "save & restore context" proposal, and raise any concerns with the group.
- Lynn Neir (Deactivated) update the mailing list on the issue regarding sidebar count discrepancies between third-party apps.
- Lynn Neir (Deactivated) update WG on progress of window.open implementation
- JC: talk to tech team about exposing URI interfaces for interacting with chat windows to third parties in a stable, standardized way
- Lawrence Miller (Deactivated) / Lynn Neir (Deactivated) / LLC-person TBD - provide an update on Plexus ↔︎ Symphony integration in the new year
- Leslie Spiro raise "distributed desktop app interoperability using Symphony as a headless pipe" use case with API WG, and report back
- Leslie Spiro come up with a more succinct name for the "distributed desktop app interoperability using Symphony as a headless pipe" use case
- Leslie Spiro come up with a more succinct name for the "distributed desktop app interoperability using Symphony as a headless pipe" use case
- Former user (Deleted): present to WG at future meeting about DB plans for distribution of Plexus with Symphony Desktop and how Symphony authentication will be used to validate Plexus users between apps.
- Former user (Deleted): write up the items that still need to be decided re: Symphony's container API (e.g. change management process) so they can be reviewed and approved by the WG.
- Leslie Spiro: document on-behalf-of use case and discuss with Lynn Neir (Deactivated).
- Lynn Neir (Deactivated) and All: Review Tick42's proposal for a container API specification, including Leslie's email to the list and Kiril's pull request (especially the TypeScript specification), and comment on the mailing list.
JC & Lynn Neir (Deactivated): check whether documentation of Symphony web app API is accessible
- Former user (Deleted)Former user (Deleted): point Colin to the fix for the Symphony windowing issue.
- Former user (Deleted): review OpenFin code for solution to windowing issue.
- Former user (Deleted) add detail about undocumented APIs & requirements to API documentation.
- Former user (Deleted) produce a proposal for an overridable window.open SSF API
- Former user (Deleted) produce a proposal for scriptable saved & restore state before the next meeting
- Former user (Deleted) update window.open SSF API with return type
, multiple selections available,
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