2018-12-19 OSR WG Meeting Notes

2018-12-19 OSR WG Meeting Notes

Table of Contents




Red Hat
Jamie JonesGitHub
Sally EllardDeutsche Bank


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call
20 minOpen source compliance reference architectureAaron Williamson

Aaron asked for input regarding what would be useful for the Foundation to publish by way of a "reference architecture" for an open source compliance workflow. General agreement was that documentation of the Goldman Sachs GSOSS process would be a good start. Aaron asked whether DB would consider making the documentation of the Synchronator process available to the group and Sally agreed to look into it.

20 minOffice hoursAaron Williamson

Sally asked whether FINOS could be of help in conversations with regulators regarding open source policies and contribution. Aaron said it hasn't been party to any conversations yet but would gladly play whatever role it usefully can.

Deutsche Bank is considering open sourcing a mobile application framework, db-core, that it's had a lot of success innersourcing. Sally mentioned an internal article about the effort and will look into whether it can be shared with the Foundation as the basis for a published case study.

5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

  • Action: Sally to connect Christoph with Brian Ingenito re: firewall policy.
  • Action: Sally to check about sharing db-core article with group.
  • Action: Aaron Williamson to connect Sally with Tosha about innersourcing use case.

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