2019-07-03 OSR WG Meeting Notes

2019-07-03 OSR WG Meeting Notes

Meeting minutes status: Approved (on 2019/07/24)

Table of Contents


7/3/2019 10AM EST


NameOrganizationGithub ID
Colin Eberhardt (He/Him)ScottLogic
Jim Jagielski

Aaron WilliamsonFINOS
Andrew AitkenLinux Foundation
KatrinaRed Hat
Gilles GravierWipro

Rich Heironimus

Freddie Mac
Reza AlaviWipro
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob
Tosha EllisonFINOStoshaellison
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

50 minContribution considerations IIAaron Williamson

Open discussion.

Pressing challenges where FINOS can help most?

  • Cultural change has to come first. Work on cultural change and convey incentives for this cultural change
  • Compliance, taking temperature on compliance status across different groups within the company
  • Coordinate everything with the legal team inside the organization, who will probably be the most resistant to changes affecting legal structures (IP provenance, ...)

How are institutions that are moving forward 

  • Time, money & resources; they're investing
  • Making OS part of employee's work description and compensation plan (incentivization)

What is an inspirational pitch to pitching OS collaboration to these institutions? How do you convince financial institutions to spend resources on OS?

  • Talent retention, recruiting, branding: financial institutions are increasingly trying to brand themselves as "technology companies" and OS is enabling to brand themselves as such.
  • Self-interest to participate in open source packages. 

Should this approach to get financial institutions involved in OS be bottoms up or top down?

  • Bottoms up: Monzo UK example; Wipro: developers demanding more OS involvement

What else can FINOS do with the OSR Program to make it easier for our members to commit resources to OS?

  • OSR group will need to come to them instead of expecting them to come to us. FINOS has many members but few people attending this WG. 
  • Hosting gatherings/ meet & greet / mixers. Attendance to OSSF was great. This year's will be in November in NYC- more details to follow.
5 minAny other business & adjournment

Decisions Made


Action Items


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