2018-11-06 Meeting Notes

2018-11-06 Meeting Notes

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents


Wednesday, 2018-11-06


Maurizio PillituFINOS
Jamie JonesGitHub
Former user (Deleted)Morgan Stanley
Gabriele ColumbroFINOS

Outstanding Action Items


Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
3 minutesReview action items from previous PMC meetingGroupSee 2018-10-23 Meeting Notes
5 minutesChecking on DX and FSI CloudNative WG setupDiane Mueller-KlingsporJamie Jones

Are Wiki pages up to date? 

  1. Developer Experience Project
  2. Cloud Native Working Group [PAUSED]

No welcome emails on mailing-lists:

  1. https://groups.google.com/a/finos.org/forum/#!forum/fdx-developer-experience
  2. https://groups.google.com/a/finos.org/forum/#!forum/fdx-cloud-native

May be useful to have a public email thread that can be linked in the future, with the presentation of the group and the mission/charter

20 minsReview and extend OSSF day1 presentationGroup

Google Slides - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gaZTyD7TvMnib3xL2nceOkj18np6uXPrMa1ghdAESGE

10 minsHigh level overview on OSSF day2 sessionGroup

Depends on latest updates re. existing tech sessions at OSSF, to understand how to connect with previous track.

Present right after GS, same room. ask for a follow up plug on next track

merging, CLA checks, sec checks, documentation, releasing.

5 minsTODO for next meeting to drive progressGroup
5AOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

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