2020-05-07 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

2020-05-07 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Draft (approved)

The agenda and minutes of this meeting have been moved to GitHub


Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
James McLeod (Unlicensed)FINOSmcleo-d
Jason NelsonJPMC

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene, roll call, welcome new people
5 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)Jason Nelson
10 minCloud Service Certification Kanban ReviewJason Nelson

Let's review the CSC kanban to make sure the right items are in play and reflected correctly. 

10 minCSC project team reviewing code contributions and pull requestsJason NelsonIt's been raised by the project we need a method of review contributions and pull requests that equally spans all project members. This item has been added to discuss next steps for creating a group of moderators. 
20 min

Cloud Service Certification Group Review of CitiHub Compliance as Code GitHub Project  

Freedie Leadsom, Daniella Zheleva, Peter Thomas, Matt Gall & Ian Tivey

Freedie Leadsom, Daniella Zheleva and Peter Thomas from Deutsche Bank feedback following CitiHub project review with Matt Gall and Ian Tivey from CitiHub - Action taken at 2020-04-23 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

10 minAOB & adjourn

Meeting Notes 

Action Items

  • Ian Tivey to talk to CitiHub clients about joining Cloud Service Certification and their use of Kubernetes
  • James McLeod (Unlicensed) to introduce Freddie Leadsom to the FINOS Open Source Readiness Project
  • James McLeod (Unlicensed) to coordinate - Peter Thomas suggested connecting with Matt Gall to align methodologies, as the CitiHub team are advising a different area of Deutsche Bank.
  • James McLeod (Unlicensed) to coordinate - Peter Thomas would like suggestions on what would be useful to contribute to FINOS.
  • James McLeod (Unlicensed) to coordinate - Jamil Mina suggests Red Hat conduct a session where the Red Hat team can help answer how to commoditise open source software.

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