2019-10-24 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

2019-10-24 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting

Meeting Minutes status: Approved

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Jason NelsonJP Morgan
Colin Eberhardt (He/Him)Scott LogicColinEberhardt
Christin BrownGoogle
Abdullah GarciaJP Morganabdullahgarcia
Freddie LeadsomDeutsche Bank
Tony ChauUBS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Christin Brown from GCP joined for the first time.

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

Approved 2019-10-10 Cloud Service Certification Project Meeting minutes.

15 minReview artifacts, progress and next steps.Jason Nelson

Key notes from the discussion include:

  • Reviewed PR from Abdullah with updates to the DynamoDB Test Case Documentation. This is an example of ongoing work the group can undertake to keep artifacts current.
  • When submitting PRs reminder to include information about the reference or source of the update (e.g. new documentation, personal experience, etc.), e.g. 

  • All documents should be converted to markdown as it's much easier to see/track changes. Spreadsheets might pose a problem so identifying additional tooling may be required.
  • Confirmed that the group is open to additional input regarding the content, tools, frameworks to be developed by the group, including an open source tool to automate the tests.
  • Reviewed the S3 control spreadsheet 
    • This spreadsheet provides the high level categories that are common across internal control frameworks and external regulatory requirements.
    • This is a filled in version to give an indicator of the type of content to be included.
    • The expectation is that a consumer (e.g. a bank) might insert a column to include internal references/naming conventions that would be for their firm's own internal use.
    • Called out example of "manual attestation", which is used where things can't yet necessarily be done in an automated way. This highlights opportunities to work with vendors to automate or to collectively build automation.
    • Reviewed a specific row of content in detail and agreed that the level of detail is appropriate.
    • Some discussion around the speed of linting services compared to running the tests. It is possible to optimize tooling to run the tests quickly. 
  • Request for more participation and feedback with the aim of "assigning" entire services and completing them within a month. Goal is to also start on Microsoft and Google services as soon as feasible.
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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