2018-07-13 Meeting notes
Name | Organisation |
Nicholas Kolba | Openfin |
Rob Underwood | FINOS |
Frank Tarsillo | IHS Markit |
Espen Overbye | Openfin |
Saori Fotenos | Refinitiv |
Jonathan Teper | JP Morgan |
Neil Slinger | JP Morgan |
Tim Kolecke | Citadel |
Johan Sandersson | Factset |
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
1min | Select Scribe for meeting | group | Rob Underwood (Deactivated) |
5min | Follow ups from last PMC | group |
5min | Welcome Email | group | Draft: Welcome to the FDC3 Program! The Financial Desktop Connectivity & Collaboration Consortium (FDC3) is a member program of the FINOS foundation. We are focused on the creation and adoption of standards to make interoperability between any number of applications on a desktop happen without requiring prior bi-lateral agreements or bespoke development. 40+ organizations from across the financial industry participate in FDC3. Participation is open - you do not need to be a member of the FINOS organization, or have a commercial relationship with any of the member groups. We currently have 5 active working groups that meet on a fortnightly basis: API, App Directory, Context Data, Intents, and Use Cases. There is also a monthly general steering group. Now that you are on the mailing list, here are things you can do next to get involved:
Need more help? Please send general questions to fdc3@finos.org. For organizational questions, contact the Program Management Committee (PMC): fdc3-pmc@finos.org Thanks for your continued support and engagement! The FDC3 Community Neil: "Makes a lot of sense" Nick: Idea is to give them something to orient themselves that is owned by FDC3 group; Nick: Voting procedures are still a little unclear to me; I (Nick) will send a vote email to approve the "welcome email" |
5min | Github changes | Nick: Originally FINOS has all of the ownership; this model seemed suboptimal for working together; we changed that now such that the PMC has ownership. If you don't have admin access, talk to Mau. The key thing is do not delete projects w/o FINOS permission; and definitely do not delete the org. Nick: Also of note is that FINOS has provided the program its own webex account now. We should move off of our existing meetings. Saori: Who do I ask for account / meeting access? Nick: me. | |
15min | FINOS board meeting summary and retro | Nick: A lot of good discussion. Lot of excitement about FDC3 Nick: Discussion of Plexus / FDC3. One of the things that was discussed was the outstanding pull request. Some of this might be semantics and us just sitting together; we also discussed putting FDC3 under an umbrella - there are lots of different ways to approach this. Curious to get feedback from the PMC about the PMC perception of overall – what has been productive? not productive. One thing raised has been that it's perceived as hard to raise questions in this organization – we want to be inclusive Frank: Re programs themselves, those are two different programs. One is a platform play (Plexus); FDC3 is a specification of interoperability on the desktop. Have not seen bias; we do need to think about voting and voting capability. There should be a community for how decisions made. I do not think the programs should be folder into each. And the WG structures we need to be tighter on. Saori: I agree with Frank. My comment is more about FINOS programs and how they are scope ... for example the VOICE program. Do we separate specifications and implementations into different programs? Or same program like Voice? JT: Division of work – multiple programs, one that is specification, multiple others than implement;? Really agree with Frank about voting and governance. Don't know if we plan to go into Neil: Plexus is there and in existence ... also the pull request Nick: There has been a lot of discussion about the PR Tim: I have also considered Plexus an architectural pattern. Johan: Non-engineering questions ... is there any work happening in the Plexus program (around standards?) Nick: Saori is there standards work happening? Saori: No, that is happening in FDC3. As part of grandfathering, standards work is to happen in FDC3. Frank: this sounds mostly around the standard Johan: Symphony also has their own program and also has their interop. Rob: Shared Peter Monks transition and there is active discussion about the program taxonomy; ultimately a key board responsibility is the program organization/taxonomy. | |
10min | Standards Approach in FDC3 | Nicholas Kolba | It seems like we could do more to provide guidance on the standards process and what it means. Some thoughts on how standards work in FDC3:
Furthermore, standards should follow these principles:
Recommended reading: https://www.w3.org/TR/ (W3C standards and drafts) https://infrequently.org/2018/06/effective-standards-work-part-1-the-lay-of-the-land/. (Blog by Alex Russell - on Chromium team and W3C TAG - on the process and challenges of web standards - and feature - development) https://paul.kinlan.me/what-happened-to-web-intents/. (Analysis by Paul Kinlan of why the Web Intents standard proposal failed) Frank: You're looking at how to ratify a proposal? Nick: Yes, the governance what we need to figure out (FYI, Governance is not my bag). Also look at the web intents blog. We should look at FIX model – how they do governance is something to look at Espen: (Unintelligible due to cell issues) Frank: Can we make an action item to review the governance piece |
14min | AOB | group |
Action items
- Neil to review API WG PR: https://github.com/FDC3/API/pull/13
- Compliance: set up embargo period for minutes before publishing
- Define FDC3 compliance, organization membership, hold on marketing use until then
- welcome email - google groups, move presentation into Confluence
(or Github)
- Create FINOS - FDC3 certification badge (Nick / Rob to sort; next step is for Rob Underwood (Deactivated) to speak with designer)
- Discussion and develop proposal for in person WG meeting (Nicholas Kolba / Rob Underwood (Deactivated))
- Review PR and comments (All, esp. Neil Slinger)
- Review Governance models ahead of next meeting (ALL PMC)
- Flesh the certification criteria (Nicholas Kolba & Neil Slinger)
- put welcome slides on PMC material in confluence - convert to Powerpoint - export PDF to link to welcome page
- meetups - Sep or Oct in NYC
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