OSSF 2018 - Day 2 Agenda

OSSF 2018 - Day 2 Agenda


CCT Venues Plus-Bank Street, Canary Wharf
40 Bank Street
Level 32
London, E14 5NR

All FDC3 sessions will take place in Room 8.

For more information seen the event overview section of the Open Source Strategy Forum web site

WebEx details for those unable to attend in person:


Join by phone
+1-240-454-0879 USA Toll
+44-20319-88141 UK Toll
Access code: 662 389 687

Conference Registration 

  • Registration is on the Open Source Strategy Forum web site
  • FINOS members attend for free – members should register using 
  • Active participants in the FDC3 community who do not work for a FINOS member may use the COMMUNITY70


(See complete Open Source Strategy Forum schedule on the OSSF website)

Note on participation: All conference attendees are welcome to attend the FDC3 sessions. The primary purpose of the sessions will be discussions amongst current active participants and contributors to FDC3. Other attendees who want to sit in are asked to audit the session and hold questions until the end of the respective meeting. 

TimeSessionFacilitatorsGoals & ObjectivesRoom Number
(8am - 10:50am)(OSSF Programming)

10:50 - 11:40Session 1: State of FDC3 
Where we are, What has been ratified, what's coming next
  • Build a shared understanding amongst the FDC3 program community,  and broader FINOS foundation community, of progress to date, including and especially related to standards ratification
  • Outline what's coming and what's next with FDC3
Room 8
11:40 - 12:30Session 2: Use cases Session 
Modeling one use case in detail across the FDC3 standards.
Kat, JT
  • fda
Room 8
12:30 - 13:30Lunch & Networking
  • Community Building

13:30 - 14:20Session 3: Cross-WG Session 
API, App Directory, Context Data, Intents what are the intersection points

  • Clarify responsibilities and interdependencies across the working groups with eye towards both mutual compatibility and atomicity and sufficient separation of concerns 
Room 8
14:20 - 15:10Session 4: FDC3 Productization 
How do we present and publish documentation, supporting materials, and other collateral

  • Identify gaps in documentation
  • Produce a project plan with owners and dates for building 

15:10 - 16:00Session 5 : 
FDC3 & FO joint session 

  • Define scope boundaries and interdependencies between FDC3 (especially context data), FO, and, as possible, the new security reference data working group

(4:00 - )OSSF Main Programming 

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