FDC3 Program Homepage

Program deprecation notice

Notice: Per PMC decision, this program was disbanded in May 2020 and its projects now continue to exist as high-level projects under the FINOS Project Catalog.

All FDC3 collaboration activities, including meeting minutes, are now hosted on the FDC3 GitHub repo.

Welcome to the collaboration space for the FDC3 Program!  

The mission of the Financial Desktop Connectivity and Collaboration Consortium (FDC3) is to develop specific protocols and taxonomies to advance the ability of desktop applications in financial workflows to interoperate in a plug-and-play fashion and without prior, bi-lateral agreements.


This Program's Projects and Working Groups can be reviewed on the Foundation's Catalogue, while the latest collaboration activity can be seen on the Foundation's metrics dashboard.


This Program's projects are hosted on GitHub.

Working Groups

General Information


Anyone may contribute a new Project into FINOS.

Product Management Committee (PMC) Roster

Product Management Committee

Notice: Following the decision to disband the FDC3 Program in May 2020, the members of the - now deprecated - FDC3 Program Management Committee agreed to set up a Product Management Committee (PMC), responsible for monitoring the work around the FDC3 Standards Group, as well as FDC3-related communications and documentation.

PMC Lead: nicholas kolba

Getting in Touch

Project mailing list: fdc3@finos.org (web archive)

Product Management Committee (PMC) mailing list: fdc3-pmc@finos.org (web archive)

Product Management Committee (PMC) private mailing list: fdc3-pmc-private@finos.org (private web archive)

Click here for information on contacting the Foundation at large.


Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.



Program Operations Policy

The FDC3 Program uses this amended Program Operations Policy:

Standards Ratification Process

Approved Program Proposal

The FDC3 Program was approved by the Foundation's Board on 2018-02-28.

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