2019-10-18 Meeting

2019-10-18 Meeting

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Riko EksteenAdaptive
Aitana MyohlFINOS
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Tosha Ellison2019-08-23 Meeting


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)group
    • POP
    • Kanban Board
      • Aitana Myohl to create a single Kanban board for FDC3 and create tags for each WG (and the PMC) 
      • This will live in the FDC3/FDC3 repo (not at the org level) 
      • this will pull issues from the FDC3 repo
      • Nicholas Kolba to follow up with JT on consolidating the Use Cases Kanban with the FDC3 one
10 minSurvey - final review


proposed copy additions/changes:

As we approach the end of the first year of the FDC3 1.0 standards, we’re asking for feedback on how well FDC3 is addressing the needs of financial organizations, how we can help you with adoption, and the health of the FDC3 contributor community.  Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.  And as always, please feel to reach out directly to the community with questions, feedback, and requests.  fdc3@finos.org. Thanks!
Alt #2
Interoperability is critical to our technology strategy, and our organization overall.
Tell us about how FDC3 adoption is going in your organization
How involved are you in the FDC3 community
What is your experience with the FDC3 community
  • Add copy for Background
    • Add Question for participant role: (engineering, product management, design, management, sales, other)
  • Aitana Myohl to update survey copy Done: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/finosfdc3
  • decide on channels for socializing the survey
    • CTA on fdc3.finos.org & finos.org
    • Social media? (twitter, linkedin)
    • FINOS list
    • FDC3 lists
    • Participant mailing lists (OpenFin, FinJS)
  • decide on how long to leave survey up for (1 month?)

Nicholas Kolba and Rob Underwood (Deactivated) to followup with subcommittee and get this out.

20 minreview roadmapgrouphttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1EPbERDPGlhlhIaV9Nk1v7xfSB-_PoHVpdnhFTia725Y/edit#
10 minAOB & adjourn


Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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