2019-07-12 Meeting

2019-07-12 Meeting

Status: Approved (At 2019-7-26 Meeting)


Friday, July 12, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


NameOrganisationGithub IDFDC3 PMC Member
Nicholas KolbaOpenFinnkolbax
Jonathan TeperJPM
Riko EksteenAdaptiverikoex
Tim KoleckeCitadeltkoleckex
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob(foundation)
Tosha EllisonFINOStoshaellison(foundation)
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16(foundation)

PMC Committee Members Absent

Open Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Tosha Ellison2019-08-23 Meeting

Discussion items

5 minRoll call


5 minReview of previous minutes and open actionsAll
  • Open action items were reviewed
    • Discussion to hold off for short term on pursuing moving

  • Minutes to Reviewed and Approved by Meeting
10 minReview new Issues and PRsRiko Eksteen

(PR Screenshots)

  • Adding code headers (Issue #105)
  • Questions for Aaron Williamson: 
    • Aaron Williamson Question: What is the contribution threshold to put your copyright on the code header? (Whenever a new contributor makes a new contribution, should they be able to add their copyright to the NOTICE file if they wanted to)
    • Aaron Williamson Question: Why has FINOS been inclined away from the FINOS legal entity being the copyright holder? 
    • Aaron Williamson Question: What is the relationship between portions of code and specific copyright holders. E.g., if line 10-20 was by contributor 1, line 5 was by contributor 2, and lines 30-40 was worked on by all of contributor 1, 2 and 3, to whom is the copyright assigned? To all of them jointly, or does copyright match contributions etc.
    • Aaron Williamson Question: Can we add more context in the NOTICE even if it's duplicative of what's contained in the LICENSE and/README file?
5 minWG cadence voteAll


Move all WGs to Monthly on Thursdays targeting a window between 9am  12pm EST (up to the WG, API is 10 - 11:30, Use Cases is 11 - 12) . 

Currently, Use Cases is the 3rd Thursday, API is the 4th Thursday

Proposal is for AppD on the 1st Thursday and Context & Intents on the 2nd.  We can keep them at their current times (11am for AppD, 10am for Context) unless the WGs participants want to change that.

5 minFDC3 activation voteAll

Based on the email chain from Rob/Gab/Riko, finalise vote on whether FDC3 can move to activated status.

Positive votes so far:

  • Nick
  • Johan
  • Riko

Activation checklist: /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530376

No votes against moving FDC3 to activated status.

20 min OKRsAll


Demonstrate business transformation with significant adoption of FDC3 in 2019
  • 5 documented case studies of implementations in production
  • Survey of FDC3 participants showing
    • 100% of contributing participants adopted FDC3 in production or in flight on adoption
    • Over 50% of all participants with adoption or in flight
      • Discussed that some clients of consultancies are in the process of implementing just portions of the FDC3 standard. Discussion ensured on importance to help those organizations get to a "higher fidelity" of adoption (I.e., look to adopt more of the standard)

Discussion on FDC3-UC WG effort to gather qualitative (i.e. getting quotes on the impact of these interop workflows, FDC3 NPS) and quantitative feedback (i.e., discrete KRs). Example cited was "number of interop workflows implemented", possibility of capturing FDC3 usage data in an anonymized way? 

Ensure a sustainable level of engagement with the community
  • 0 unplanned meeting cancelations in Q4
  • All WG chairs communicate with their WG at least once a week through email, GitHub, or confluence
  • PRs and issues being filed for all WGs between meetings
  • Add an action plan to grow contributor base?
15 minBoard Deck reviewAll

See slide HERE

  • Q2 Headlines and Highlights
  • Q3 Plans and Expected Milestones
  • Issues & Risks
  • Requests of Board and/or FINOS
for Q2 milestones, this is what I have as a first pass:
  • Context Channel Linking APIs

  • Consolidation and alignment of Context Data, Intents WGs and FO work

  • Live implementations

This is what we had last Quarter:
  • Q1 Headlines and Highlights
    • Released 1.0 Standards
  • Q3 Plans and Expected Milestones
    • Context Channel Linking APIs

    • App Directory Search

    • Consolidation and alignment of Context Data, Intents WGs and FO work

    • Live implementations

  • Issues & Risks
    • none
  • Requests of Board and/or FINOS
    • Board/FINOS - help deepen the bench for talent that can contribute

    • Better differentiation between the needs and output of Standards-oriented groups vs Code-oriented groups

AOB & AdjournAll

Review and approve past meeting minutes (should be done at beginning of the meeting):

Action items


Tasks and Asks

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