2019-01-16 FDC3 AppD WG Meeting Notes

2019-01-16 FDC3 AppD WG Meeting Notes


IHS Markit
Jonathan TeperJP Morgan
Riko EksteenAdaptive
Rich LinnellJP Morgan
Espen OverbyeOpenFin
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS
Maurizio PillituFINOS

Discussion items

5 min

Approve minutes and review action items from previous meeting


Minutes for the meetings on 7 Nov 2018 and 5 Dec 2018 were approved by the group.

50 minFDC3 documentation plansAll

General / planning notes:

  • Focus for Q1 is on overall FDC3 documentation and presentation to the community, including any specific AppD content needed.
  • Discussion on future direction for AppD is on hold for now, but the group should opine on priorities as presented/discussed in previous meetings (may include searching, manifest, eventing). This can be done though Google Groups and Frank will kick this off.
  • Leslie agreed that launcher discussions should be delayed until a future meeting.

FDC3 Documentation discussion:

  • Feedback from FDC3 MC was that following ratification and ahead of a larger launch the focus is on making the FDC3 documentation complete and cohesive, addressing how the various elements fit together and the information needs of different audiences/personas (e.g. consumer, contributor, developer, product manager, etc.)
  • Discussion (including at the FDC3 PMC) on technology selection to support the FDC3 site covered what can create a unified view across FDC3 and potentially other WGs with connections; likely use of markdown files as the source of documentation; GitHub structure and tools such as protobuf, OpenAPI and Swagger. 
  • Focus on content
    • Post ratification group agreed that they would go back and review existing documentation and raise PRs to address that. None so far so good time to revist.
    • Going forward there will be one main FDC3 site --> fdc3.finos.org
    • Overarching FDC3 content, architecture, governance and tooling will be driven by the FDC3 PMC, which this group should comment on. This should also cover list of personas and common terminology to use.
    • This group will receive guidance on how to present info on AppD but is responsible for the AppD related content with a focus on level 2 including what AppD does provide and what it does not provide. Also important to provide use cases.
    • Frank asked if there is enough content on the lower lever detail and suggested there is more to do on highlighting the commercial side to drive adoption. Proposed that you literally describe how you take this and wrap wit with other features to align AppD spec into a product. Leslie agreed and pointed out that Tick42, OpenFin and Finsemble have all done work around FDC3 and it’s important to show this.
    • The group also agreed it was important to show how are AppD is addressing future state and roadmap. 
  • Action Items
    • Leslie and Espen to help with documentation on the functional/commercial side. Leslie will produce something on Tick42 use.
    • Frank will hep contribute to the markdown file and create branches where needed.
    • JT will take an initial stab at documenting the roadmap/directional view of AppD, focusing on higher level at this stage.
    • Aim is for the above to be done in the next two weeks.
  • Homework Items
    • FDC3 PMC to define and trickle down personas
    • Are there any guidelines that need to be followed on how to post info on use cases/commercial use? Are there any restrictions, legal, trademark, best practices, disclaimers e.g. describing commercial use of FDC3 in the website. For example, if Tick42 posts an implementation does this need special review or disclaimers?

Action items

Tasks Identified and Assigned

Task Report from Last Meeting

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.

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