2018-05-03 Meeting notes

2018-05-03 Meeting notes



Nicholas KolbaOpenfin
Chuck DanielssonOpenfin
Johan SanderssonFactset
Jonathan TeperJP Morgan
Rhyddian OldsDeutsche Bank
Frank TarsilloIHS Markit

Discussion items

5minGroup changes and expectationsFrank/Nick
  • Frank Tarsillo to chair sessions moving forward
  • Expectations are for all to participate in discussions, written materials, general support and code contributions
  • General view is to incrementally develop specifications through design proposals and iterative development 
 5min Review minutes/actions from last discussion AllNick published charter on confluence page with no objections from members

Where can we align with existing standards?

  • Is OAuth2 an appropriate model for the authentication of an App by the directory?
  • Is SRV Record the right standard to use for App Directory linking/addressing?

Frank:  We should look to use standards were applicable, but our current focus should not be on controls.  We should defer authentication and authorization in favor of basic workflow of the app directory.  

Members: *General agreement.

Frank: Walked through points made in previous sessions around use of public name services to support host level discovery.  (Details will be listed in proposal)

Rhyddian: Are there any other options?  Are there direct bi-directional federation options? Can the App directory discover other app directories.

Nick: Assume we would support static client implementations where determination of app directory is client sided?

Frank:  Think that all makes sense and maybe we need a layered approach with multiple options that handle the different use cases.  Let me take that offline and put a proposal together with all options so we can decide on best choices.

Members: All agreed.


How would App hierarchy be represented?  Should it it?

Should there be an App Manifest standard? How would this be applied to native apps?


(Note: Frank could have taken better notes...so please update or change names)

Frank: Current OpenFin example of app directory manifest data provides a good starting point to structure and purpose.  How structured does the content of the manifest need to be? Are we limiting number attributes, data sizing, types..etc?

Members:  Broadly discussed different approaches, but realized that the use of the data will drive structure and rules. 

Rhyddian/Nick:  Took an action to define use cases related to the use of app directory data in order to drive specific requirements on structure. 

(Side note:  There is a proposed working group in FDC3 from Thomson Reuters to just focus on business use cases in which this work might apply)


Moving to written design proposals and assignments (this is where people raise their hands)


Frank:  Do we spend time building perfect specifications up front or iterate through active development processes and collaboration?

Members: Require a mixture of proposals and iterative development to drive quality specifications. **Raise as a key point next session. 

Action items

  • Draft charter - Nick will prepare a draft ahead of the next meeting - anyone who wants to contribute, please reach out
  • Raise proposal for "App Directory Host Discovery" taking into account feedback from session - Frank
  • Develop use cases related to use of manifest data with the idea of identifying appropriate standards - Nick/Rhyddian (note: this might fit with new proposed working group around "use cases". 

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