2019-02-13 FDC3 AppD WG Meeting Notes

2019-02-13 FDC3 AppD WG Meeting Notes


Discussion items

5 min

Approve minutes and review action items from previous meeting (1-16-19)


Minutes approved.

25 min

FDC3 v1.0 Updates

  1. JT – Roadmap (draft)
  2. Use cases integration

Roadmap & site discussion:

  • Group requested that FINOS produce a style guide to be referenced for the FDC3 site.
  • Discussed adding links to GitHub from the start age, folder structure (some flat some multiple folders)
  • Frank will try to compile once the merge is complete.
  • Frank noted that although he generally prefers separate repositories he does not object to the consolidation.
  • Agreed the roadmap should be on the website. Question about whether there should be roadmaps for each individual WG or one across FDC3 as a whole. Agreed to create for AppD and push to PMC.
  • Discussion on the level of detail required and useful for the roadmap, e.g. dates and priorities as well as the distinction between a backlog and a roadmap (backlog = active issues, work committed to; roadmap = direction, request for features, new functionality, new work proposed including resulting from community exploration)

Use cases integration discussion:

  • Homework for the group to review where AppD is relevant for the existing, approved, use cases. Aim to link back to AppD from the use cases.
  • Potentially useful to note what AppD will, might and won't cover in the use cases.
  • Also important to identify where there are more use cases that need to be added, i.e. that have been identified by AppD but may not be covered in existing Use Cases.
  • Group agreed that primary importance is to look at the pattern of the AppD use case to show how it is used in context of real live prod workflow and make sure that there are clear linkages from Use Cases back to AppD use case patterns.

  • Need to review the output of Kat’s work and highlight where there are already identified linkages to AppD.

25 min

Discussion on Search capability additions


Notes from the discussion:

  • Group agreed that anything that is a well-defined attribute of the model should be searchable (and fliterable) from AppD. 
  • There was a lengthier discussion around supporting free text search of the manifest keys/values and/or entire manifest, how to do this and whether this should be required. E.g. are there certain formats that are searchable, like JSON or XML. Maybe the first version of the spec supporting search has to be JSON so it can be parsed.
  • Explored limiting initial search functionality deep into manifest to specific format types so the group could build appropriate search capabilities, looking at addressing the need for different parsers depending on the type of search allowed.
  • Potential search roadmap item → standardize manifest types so AppD has the ability to travers those manifests and make them more easily searchable.
  • Agreed the group needs to iterate on appropriate level of search with the approach of getting basic search done and then prototyping deeper search functionality.
  • Note that search can also include filtering (in a sense) and sorting, etc. Need to confirm level of interaction around searching/filtering.
  • Frank agreed to draft a proposal on what search would look like as a spec and the group should review and provide input.
  • Agreed to make it an optional service for now. Also need to address the impact of permissioning on search.


Action items

Tasks Identified and Assigned

Task Report from Last Meeting

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.

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