2018-06-14 Meeting notes

2018-06-14 Meeting notes



Frank TarsilloIHS Markit
Gavin LauchlanJPM
Leslie SpiroGlue42
Rich LinnellJP Morgan
Riko EksteenJP Morgan
Victor RodriguezJP Morgan
Rhyddian OldsDeutsche Bank

Discussion items

 10min Review minutes/actions from last discussion All

Refresher on purpose of App Directory (AppD) and the initial schema proposed by OpenFin team. 

The purpose of AppD discussion drove into a conversation on schema, authorization and what data the AppD was responsible for.

  • Agreed on the concept of schema type attribute to support different requirements for a specific application.  Additionally, all schemas should have required base attributes .
  • Agreed that AppD will store and primarily host application configuration data, but could optionally host application specific metadata if required.  This conversation linked into another Working Group discussion in the fdc3 around "Intents".  There was an intention to also have the AppD deliver intent data for consumers.  
15minAppD demo progress Frank

Partial progress

10minA dive into interface requirementsAll

Larger discussion on 




Action items

  • Update App Directory proposal based on feedback - Frank
  • Create an alternative proposal for AppD application definition (schema) - Leslie
  • Understand if the FDC3 intents working group is expecting the AppD working group to build a definition for "Intents" - Frank/Leslie
  • Outbound communication of meeting discussions, participation and schedule - Frank
  • AppD Schema proposal updates - Nimit/Nick with feedback from all. 

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