2019-02-19 Security Reference Data Meeting

2019-02-19 Security Reference Data Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents



Sailesh PandeyNomura
Mark AndradeFinTech Sandbox
John MateraFactSet
Tosha EllisonFINOS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Sailesh (Nomura)

15 minDraft Roadmap

Sailesh (Nomura)

Security Reference Data Project Roadmap

Sailesh walked through the roadmap and also noted:

  • the dates are tentative/aggressive and that the later dates would change based on progress in Q1 and Q2.
  • the group should review and provide feedback for discussion at the next WG meeting
20 minFollow up on the action to initiate the discussion with Open Corporates regarding use of their unique code and distribution/support by vendors - BBG/TRAll

Discussion on Reuters PermID and Bloomberg FIGI

  • Individuals from the WG reached out to Bloomberg and Reuters contacts and while both have "open" standards neither is fully open and there is not appetite to fully converge on one standard (unless it's their own)
  • Reuters PermID is assigned to entities and securities and looks like it is open but it isn't fully, e.g. Bloomberg can't use it.
  • Bloomberg FIGI is assigned to entities and securities but only the Security IDs are open
  • OpenCorporates ID is fully open

Other discussion items included:

  • It would be good to bring other vendors into this discussion
  • Query if S&P has any plans to issue CUSIPs
  • John has a contact at Open Corporates (Jade Croucher) who will speak with us. John will provide an intro to the group and Tosha will follow up with an intro to FINOS.
  • Some items to understand from Open Corporates include 1) how issues/entities are assigned and 2) how the hierarchy mappings work. General perception is that it provides a broad overall view but without necessarily having a complete entity mapping.
10 minCreation of static for Agency BondsAll

5 minAOB & adjourn


Decisions Made

Action Items

  • John to provide contact details for Jade Croucher at Open Corporates
  • Tosha to schedule introductory conversation with Jade.

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