2019-02-05 Security Reference Data Meeting

2019-02-05 Security Reference Data Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents


5th  February 2019, 11:00 AM EST

WebEx and Dial-In

Meeting number (access code): 660 099 386
Host key: 428864

+1-240-454-0879 USA Toll 
Tap here to call (mobile phones only, hosts not supported): tel:+1-240-454-0879,,*01*660099386%23%23*01*

+44-20319-88141 UK Toll 
Tap here to call (mobile phones only, hosts not supported): tel:+44-20319-88141,,*01*660099386%23%23*01*

Global call-in numbers:


Sailesh PandeyNomura
Ben SandlerAQR
Anthony GoliaRed Hat
John MateraFactSet
Pascal LefrancoisInnovestor
Jeffrey SteinMorgan Stanley
Mark AndradeFinTech Sandbox
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Sailesh Pandey

Request for attendees to include both name and company when joining meeting, e.g. Tosha Ellison (FINOS).
20 min

Defining the Program Roadmap.

Refer to page - Program Roadmaps - ARCHIVED

  • Aim is to map out a roadmap for the year, including likelihood of achievement (e.g. 90% expectation of achieving milestone 1).
  • One item for H1 is to explore using OpenCorporate symbology to link issuer IDs. 
  • Discussion items included:
    • There is an organisation (name to be confirmed but something like Futures of the World) issuing ISINs and CUSIPs for commodity options in the US (not sure about mapping to BB). Therefore, creating an open symbology for US listed commodity Options is no longer a focus area.
    • Equity options also have a standard symbology so not a focus area.
    • Briefly reviewed challenges around new agency bond issuance including the length of time it takes and issues this causes while waiting for identifiers to come out. Would it be possible for FINOS to have a role in creation and maintenance? Could it be the repository, would another org need to maintain, etc.?
    • A later step would be to promote the adoption of Securities FIGI, with cross vendor adoption of OpenID. Would need to break this down further by asset class to evaluate/progress.
    • There may be some crossover between this discussion and one in the Financial Objects WG. Tosha to get in touch with Maria from FO WG.
    • Sailesh will present a draft roadmap for discussion at next meeting.
10 minFollow up on the action to initiate the discussion with Open Corporates regarding use of their unique code and distribution/support by vendors - BBG/TR


  • Tosha has emailed community@opencorporates.com (multiple times) with no response yet.
  • John reminded the group of the links he previously pointed out https://opencorporates.com/info/licence and https://opencorporates.com/registers
  • John noted that majority of sources for Open Corporates are probably local agencies. For FactSet the focus on on entities that have already issued instruments or non-issuers in a relevant corporate hierarchy.
  • It would be useful to reach out to Refinitiv and Bloomberg to understand how they use Open Corporates.
  • Given his company's unbiased relationship with data providers, Mark offered to do a quick survey of some of these providers, e.g. S&P, Moody's and Refinitiv, on their use of Open Corporates.
  • It would be useful to see a demo of how Open Corporates data is mapped. John to see if he can organise a demo for the next meeting.
15 minNext Steps - Using "Open Corporates" code to link Issuer records.All
  • Tosha to reach out to S&P to invite them to join the call, given their knowledge of and experience with issuance, and more specifically, affiliation with CUSIPs.
  • One issue with FIGI is that while Bloomberg has made it open it doesn't publish at corporate level, it publishes at entity level. John will contact Bloomberg to see if they've considered changing this.
5 minSummarising the discussion and take away.Sailesh Pandey
5 minAOB & adjourn

Sailesh Pandey

Decisions Made

Action Items

  • Sailesh to provide draft roadmap for review at next meeting (due 19 Feb 19)
  • Tosha to get in touch with Mira from FO WG to see if any crossover in discussion (due 19 Feb 19)
  • Tosha to reach out to S&P about potential participation in the WG (due 19 Feb 19)
  • Mark to reach out to data providers FinTech Sandbox has relationships with to do a quick survey of their use of Open Corporates (due 19 Feb 19)
  • John to reach out to Bloomberg to gauge possibility of Bloomberg publishing OpenFIGI at entity level (due 19 Feb 19)
  • John to try to arrange demo of Open Corporates mapping.

Need help? Email help@finos.org we'll get back to you.

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