2019-11-12 Security Reference Data Meeting
Meeting minutes status: Approved
Table of Contents
Name | Organisation | Github ID (optional) |
Pascal Lefrancois | Inovestor | |
Fintech Sandbox | ||
Ben Sandler | AQR | |
Tosha Ellison | FINOS | toshaellison |
John Matera | Factset | |
Natasha Fontaneleva | Broadridge | |
Reza Alavi | Wipro | |
Aitana Myohl | FINOS |
Outstanding Action Items
<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call | We conducted a roll call and welcomed a new individual to the meeting, Natasha, a product manager at Broadridge. | |
10 min | Review action items from previous meetings (see above) | Approve past meeting minutes 2019-10-29 Security Reference Data Meeting (these minutes were not yet complete and so should be approved at a future meeting. | |
25 min | Inovestor | Pascal | Pascal agreed in the previous meeting to present on two topics: 1) Look at how, with LEI, it would be possible to build a self-registration website using blockchain / open source style system. This is still in progress. 2) Proposal for the group to look at industry classification (per request to group to suggest new topics). In this meeting, Pascal presented a document, which he shared with the group, on Industry Classification Open Source Project Proposal. Key points and discussion items include:
The group will continue to look at other proposals and then discuss next steps on this proposal including any potential crossover with/relevance to Financial Objects and FDC3. |
5 min | AOB & adjourn |
Decisions Made
Action Items
Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting
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