2019-01-04 Voice PMC Meeting

2019-01-04 Voice PMC Meeting

Table of Contents




Greenkey Technologies
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call
5 minPMC Mailing list update? Who are we missing

We have Matthew Goldey, Tom Schady, Leo Papadopoulos, Rob Underwood, barnowl, infra, program liason list.

Shouldn't Dr. Tejas Shastry be on here as the lead for the Discovery SDK?

We should have one person for each project on here. Rob Underwood can help us confirm this.


10 minVoice Confluence PageLeo Papadopoulos

Page is here: Voice. Should contain something about each project.

The Greenkey projects are missing. 

The assumption is that the project leads would update these pages in nothing else to point to the GitHub. Must decide who makes these updates and their content. 


10 minPrep for the FINOS Board Meeting (email from Rob Underwood)All

"Ahead of the January 23rd board meeting we'll be asking all programs to prepare a quick summary of 2018 (accomplishments, what went well, what needs improvement, etc with an emphasis on concrete impacts to the industry and growth in the community) and, perhaps more importantly, an initial plan and draft product/release roadmap, across working groups and projects, for 2019. I think it would be useful for the Voice program to get a jump on that now, before we head away for the holidays, and so this heads up. Perhaps if we can get a PMC meeting scheduled for next week we could make this an agenda topic?

Tom Schady has already sent a draft.


5 minFrequency of these meetingAll

I would suggest we conduct these meeting 2 weeks ahead of quarterly FINOS board meetings. Thoughts?


5 minAOB & adjourn



Decisions Made

  • Voice PMC meeting will be monthly.

Action Items

  • Tom Schady - will talk to Dr. Shastry to get on the voice-pmc mailing list. It may be a few weeks since he is our right now.
  • Tom Schady - will fix up the Voice page on Confluence to reflect the Greenkey projects that have been contributed to the voice program.
  • Leo Papadopoulos will contact help desk to get Dr. Shastry added to the PMC Lead group which shows on the above confluence page.
  • Leo Papadopoulos and Tom Schady should attempt to show roadmaps for 2019 for the voice program projects.
  • Rob Underwood (Deactivated) will come back with a template to follow for things such a roadmaps. Although if we do something nice on the voice Confluence page he may just use that idea.
  • Leo Papadopoulos to exchange some emails with Tom Schady to agree on monthly voice PMC meetings.
  • Leo Papadopoulos to schedule monthly voice PMC meetings.

Need help? Email help@finos.org we'll get back to you.

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