2019-08-09 Plexus PMC Meeting

2019-08-09 Plexus PMC Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Approved (on 9/27/2019)

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Deutsche Bank
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16
Leslie SpiroTick42
Rhyddian OldsJP-Morgan
Anton NikolaevDeutsche Bank

Apologies in advance

NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Deutsche Bank

Outstanding Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • RBC introduction
2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
James McLeod (Unlicensed)2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • JPMC on-going evaluation
2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • All to RFC on the Program/Project split proposal
2020-01-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Redo the scope expansion scope (and figuring out who will support it, including and especially the banks) - Paul Whitby
Paul Whitby2019-08-09 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC provided direction on what their confluence entitlements and security should be ("Please prioritize getting infra@finos.org guidance on your wiki permissions per slide 22 of the pan-PMC presentation")
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of publishing agenda ahead of meetings
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of becoming self-sufficient in doing meeting minutes
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided guidance on if/when they want/need a Github Microsite
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided guidance on if/when they want to use Github (either Github Wiki or GH Pages) to replace collaboration use cases currently done on Confluence
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided direction on if/when they would like to move their repos into the FINOS github ORG
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Evidence that those in program (at member) are getting Github IDs
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Have provided at least one help wanted to "This Week at FINOS" or done a "Good First Issue" in a github repo
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Have contextualized their 2019 roadmap in OKR terms ("Review and reaffirm objectives on which your program roadmap has been built; review progress towards those objectives")
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of staying on top of google groups moderation (both join requests and messages posted by those not in the respective google group already)
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • As applicable, project/working group with eligibility criteria have 1) had them approved by the PMC, 2) published them on the site, and 3) are using them to review join requests to the mailing list
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
Leslie Spiro2019-03-29 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Someone from the program has provided input on the FAQ
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Off-schedule meeting called to discuss the name change proposal of the Plexus program
10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)


Review and approve past meeting minutes:

15 minJuly Board Meeting: discussionAll

Container able to run FDC3 applications. Would mean a change of scope for the Plexus program and require consequential name change

Proposal was made in July. Change of scope document was circulated for review amongst participants in this program. 

Board meeting was interesting; there was considerably more push back than expected. Atmosphere was quite hostile from some board members. Instead of accepting or rejecting it, a proposal was made to give the program some time to work on the name change proposal.

25 minChartIQ: [JIRA] (CONTRIB-52) Secure Electron AdapterAll

Recent CONTRIB from ChartIQ.

Question is: 

  1. Is there any other feedback from the board or from FINOS about the outcomes?
    • Consensus from the board: the question is whether broadening the Plexus program scope is "putting the cart before the horse" in terms of proposing the name change before the CONTRIB came in
    • There was also some questions about how much buy-in there will be from other organizations
  2. If we accept the ChartIQ CONTRIB, does that mean we can proceed with the reframing of the program?
    • historically, the process should start from a problem being identified


  • re-do proposal and figure out who's supporting it and why
  • do some backroom socialising
  • ask to push back deadline
10 minfinos-plexus.github.io repo
5 minProgress Towards 2019 Roadmap
  • Progress Towards 2019 Roadmap
  • Efforts to Drive Expansion in Base of Contributors
  • Efforts to Drive Expansion in Adoption
5 minHygiene
  • Adoption of Revised Standard POP
    • Unification of concepts of projects and working groups (everything is now a project)
  • What is the right taxonomy of Plexus projects?
    • Wiki:

      • Desktop Interop Working Group (Is this "plexus-interop" in metadata model?)
      • Desktop Interop API Working Group (not listed on FINOS website)
      • Promotion and Adoption Working Group (not in metadata model; not listed on FINOS website)
      • Interop Use Case Validation Working Group (not listed on FINOS website)

    • FINOS website:

    • FINOS Metadata (This is the master data, system of record):
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting

  • Redo the scope expansion scope (and figuring out who will support it, including and especially the banks) - Paul Whitby

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