2019-05-31 Plexus PMC Meeting

2019-05-31 Plexus PMC Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Approved (on 9/27/2019)

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Deutsche Bank
Leslie SpiroTick42
Rhyddian OldsJP Morgan
Tosha EllisonFINOS
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob
Aitana MyohlFINOS

Apologies in advance

NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Deutsche Bank
Anton NikolaevDeutsche Bank
Former user (Deleted)Refinitiv

Outstanding Action Items

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Rhyddian (Re-) Introduced Himself 

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

10 minWelcome RhyddianRhyddian OldsRhyddian introduced JP Morgan's interest in this space
10 minFDC3 proposalPaul Whitby

See attached document Plexus-FDC3_Alignment_Proposal.docx for the original proposal

10 minReview progress against 2019 roadmapPaul Whitby

We may need to postpone this as Former user (Deleted)Svyatoslav Kryukov and Anton Nikolaev are not available

10 minPan-PMC AsksPaul Whitby
  • Review and reaffirm objectives on which your program roadmap has been built; review progress towards those objectives [note this is in part to help program get ahead of prep for the July board meeting]

    • Restate and contextualize objective in use case terms; Quantify and track objective results using “KRs”

  • Deliberate and decide if you want to request an exception to your program repos being moved to github.com/finos (i.e., current state for all programs but DAV which has already moved). Report back by June 21 to Rob

  • Deliberate and decide if you want/need a GitHub Pages “Microsite” (and if so, when and why -- i.e., in support of what program milestone/release)

  • Let Rob know if you’re interested in piloting use of GH pages in place of the Confluence Wiki

  • Review and revise working group eligibility/participation requirements (if you use them)

  • Review & steward projects that are in incubating status, especially those that have been in incubating status 6+ months, in support of overall FINOS KR to reduce projects incubating 12+ months

  • Collect and share community participant, esp. developer, experiences with 1) learning of/about FINOS and/or 2) (self-)on-boarding

  • Provide infra@finos.org guidance on your wiki permissions

5 min

  • Review and approve
  • Need to complete
    • 3-29 minutes: still in draft?
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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