2018-06-11 Plexus PMC Meeting

2018-06-11 Plexus PMC Meeting

Meeting minutes status: Approved (on 9/27/2019) 

Table of Contents


2018-06-11 11:00am US-Eastern



Anton Nikolaev

Deutsche Bank

Slava Kryukov

Deutsche Bank
Saori FotenosRefinitiv
Rhyddian OldsDeutsche Bank
Leslie SpiroTick42
Aaron WilliamsonFINOS
Rob UnderwoodFINOS
Alexandra StratigosFINOS

Outstanding Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • RBC introduction
2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
James McLeod (Unlicensed)2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • JPMC on-going evaluation
2020-04-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • All to RFC on the Program/Project split proposal
2020-01-24 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Redo the scope expansion scope (and figuring out who will support it, including and especially the banks) - Paul Whitby
Paul Whitby2019-08-09 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC provided direction on what their confluence entitlements and security should be ("Please prioritize getting infra@finos.org guidance on your wiki permissions per slide 22 of the pan-PMC presentation")
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of publishing agenda ahead of meetings
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of becoming self-sufficient in doing meeting minutes
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided guidance on if/when they want/need a Github Microsite
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided guidance on if/when they want to use Github (either Github Wiki or GH Pages) to replace collaboration use cases currently done on Confluence
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • PMC has provided direction on if/when they would like to move their repos into the FINOS github ORG
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Evidence that those in program (at member) are getting Github IDs
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Have provided at least one help wanted to "This Week at FINOS" or done a "Good First Issue" in a github repo
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Have contextualized their 2019 roadmap in OKR terms ("Review and reaffirm objectives on which your program roadmap has been built; review progress towards those objectives")
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Demonstrated evidence of staying on top of google groups moderation (both join requests and messages posted by those not in the respective google group already)
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • As applicable, project/working group with eligibility criteria have 1) had them approved by the PMC, 2) published them on the site, and 3) are using them to review join requests to the mailing list
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting
Leslie Spiro2019-03-29 Plexus PMC Meeting
  • Someone from the program has provided input on the FAQ
2019-07-12 Plexus PMC Meeting


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

10 minPMC Lead

Slava and Group

Slava discus

Paul introduced himself

  • Took over autobahn platform from Rhyddian 
  • Autobahn team is in St. Petersburg and Kerry
  • Vision: Make sure it is implemented, that it is maintained
  • Saori asked about open source development and getting standards ratified and what Paul's thoughts were on the those two items. 
    • Paul
      • "We are very hot on the standard being ratified"
      • "Adoption of the ratified standards that will be critical"
    • Slava: "Main goal ... proper level of support across the industry"

By consensus and acclamation vote Paul was chosen as the new PMC lead

By consensus and acclamation vote Slava was elected to the PMC and we affirm that the PMC members are:

  • Paul (Lead, DB)
  • Anton (DB)
  • Slava (DB)
  • Leslie (Tick42)
  • Saori (Refinitiv)

Roadmap for Plexus

Screenshot shared by Slava:

Leslie also suggested that we include run time stats

Slava commented that another important 

Q2: Build out more items

Tick42 will be releasing an interop API on top of the FDC3 API

Leslie: We'd like to extend the bindings to .NET and Java; also would like to add support for Pub/Sub

Saori: We should have a roadmap for the overall roadmap for the program 

Saori: We know, because we are part of FDC3, that there will be a big bang around the V1 of FDC3 – we need an answer for how these things are related; Saori → statement of positioning around the work we are doing. 

10 minDiscuss Process for Ratifying the Spec

Official API Naming

45 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

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