org.symphonyoss.fin.venue [E]
org.symphonyoss.fin.venue [E]
An entity representing a venue where a price may be quoted or a trade may be executed.
Version 0.2
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
id | 1..n | An established identifier for the venue referred to. (Since in this version there is only one valid ID type the cardinality is effectively 1) | |
name | org.symphonyoss.string [A] | 0..1 | Descriptive name. |
<presentationML> This is currently falling on <div class="entity" data-entity_id="nyse"> <b>NYSE</b> </div> </presentationML>
"nyse": { "type": ”org.symphonyoss.fin.venue”, "version": "0.2", "id": [ { "type": ”org.symphonyoss.fin.venue.id.mic” "value": ”45" } ], "name": { "type": "org.symphonyoss.string", "value": "The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)" } }
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