Financial Object Definitions

Financial Object Definitions

This page will provide an overview of the group's efforts to standardize the Financial Objects (or maybe just Objects) that various organisations would like to seamlessly send to each other. In many financial situations this will mean an activity which included one or many identifier objects such as a trade in Apple, indications of interest in Samsung, a 5-year price chart with Mark & Spencer vs. FTSE100 or just a portfolio of companies and number or shares.

A key item for the group is to define the required parameter for each object in order to make them valid so that most participating organisation will be able to use them without major work.

Use of objects such as phone numbers and existing standards like vcard for personal details and ics/vcs for meeting information could be explored as well.

Furthermore, examples and code should be made available as well as a list of applications and organizations supporting the various objects.


An object containing at least all required parameters for a tradeable object.

Not Started

An object containing at least all required parameters for an indication of interest

Not Started

An object containing at least all required parameters for a swap

Not Started
org.symphonyoss.fin.chartAn object containing at least all required parameters for a chart

Not Started
org.symphonyoss.fin.portfolioAn object containing at least all required parameters for a portfolio

Not Started
org.symphonyoss.obj.listAn object containing at least all required parameters for a list

Not Started
org.symphonyoss.obj.timeseriesAn object containing at least all required parameters for a timeseries

Not Started
org.symphonyoss.fin.cdsAn object containing at least all required parameters for a credit default swap

CDS Use Cases

In Progress
org.symphonyoss.obj.contactAn object containing at least all required parameters for a CRM-style contactJeff Sternberg (Deactivated)Sharing ContactsIn Progress

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