FOS WG Action Items
FOS WG Action Items
- Johan Sandersson invite someone from Symphony LLC product team to talk to WG about how security objects are handled internally and how that relates to the structured object
- Johan Sandersson send initial RFQ subgroup member list to Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted) organize an initial meeting of the RFQ subgroup
- Former user (Deleted) find a representative from IHS Markit to get involved in the RFQ subgroup
- Aaron Williamson will connect the newly interested members to the group
- Johan Sandersson prepare vote on org.symphonyoss.fin.security [E] (after removing controversial fields)
- Johan Sandersson prepare vote on org.symphonyoss.country [A]
- Former user (Deleted) post input on currency object from IHSM currency subject matter experts.
- Former user (Deleted) work internally in IHSM to add CDS object(s) to working drafts and move the CDS Use Cases toward standardization.
- Aaron Williamson research and report on licensing of Adaptive Cards specification
- All: Review and comment on the bond RFQ draft proposed by Johan Sandersson: org.symphonyoss.fin.rfq.request.bond [E], org.symphonyoss.fin.rfq.response.bond [E], org.symphonyoss.fin.rfq.status.bond [E]
- Johan Sandersson update draft for org.symphonyoss.fin.security [E] to include sedol, etc
- Bruce Skingle (Deactivated) update drafts of number, string, and time.millis.
- Johan Sandersson initiate vote to approve org.symphonyoss.fin.ccy.id.iso4217 [A] as a standard object.
- Aaron Williamson cancel the call on 28 December due to holidays
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