Meeting minutes status: Approved
Name | Organisation |
| Adaptive |
| Tick42 |
| Scott Logic |
| Openfin |
- Continue progress on documentation project
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | roll call - get started | group | Tosha to minute. Request that Colin Eberhardt be invited to API WG Google Group. (Completed by FINOS.) |
30 min | documentation update | Riko Eksteen | FDC3 microsite prototype and repository update - Riko showed a prototype of the new FDC3 built using Docusaurus -, which still leverages GitHub pages. Pending positive feedback this will be merged to the main FDC3 repo.
- The landing page is simple and concise aiming to highlight main features and why FDC3 matters.
- Docusaurus lets you structure the documentation and can add ToC, navigation, click-throughs, etc. for "free". It also has built in support for versioning and blog publishing.
- The prototype uses existing content from the repositories
- In GitHub you can see the docs folder and website folder
- Through the process of producing the site Riko and Espen realized that it would be cleaner, simpler and easier to have a single FDC3 GitHub repository (rather than each WG having their own) and have proposed this change. In addition to simplicity this adds better cross-FDC3 context and improved versioning control
- This was presented to the PMC and is now being presented to all WGs. Feedback has been positive so far. Participants in this WG agreed with the approach. Once presented to all FDC3 WGs the PMC will vote.
The individual WG repos will stay in place until all content has been moved to the single repo and all relevant parties made aware. It was also possible to hook up a Travis board to the repository and simple to deploy. Rob noted that FINOS has made the option available to the PMC to move off Wiki onto GitHub pages (negating the need for the Wiki), e.g. moving the minutes over. There is some concern that it could be more challenging for non-tech people to make edits in markdown but this should not be insurmountable.
Update on reviewing API documentation - ReadMe is not in a format that flows well with the rest of the documentation.
- Context of FDC3 as a whole will be on the FDC3 home page. There will be a link from the API pages back to FDC3 overview page (in case you land on API overview page first).
- All API docs are in the API folder.
- For now changes can be made through PRs to Riko's repository. Once merged to main FDC3 repo they can be made there.

- Help is needed from the group to update documentation through pull requests. Leslie noted that following work on AppD he'll aim to help with API.
- Request to Riko to signpost in the directory specific areas that need to be addressed.
10 min | AOB | group | None. |
Action items