FDC3 1.0 Release (Public Launch) Documentation Sub-Plan

FDC3 1.0 Release (Public Launch) Documentation Sub-Plan

FDC3 docs / sites

fdc3.finos.org - public facing documentation for users and evaluators of FDC3: 

Pieces and sections

Required components of product (FDC3) microsite

  • A business overview of the product (i.e., FDC3 standards), its value to organization, and an explanation of why businesses should implement it and/or
    use/buy software that does implement it -- in layperson’s terms. (Key Message: "Your firm should deploy trader desktop applications, tools, and platforms that
    comply with the FDC3 standards because...)
  • A technical overview of the standards, including any overview of opinionation, preferred design patterns, coding conventions, etc.
  • An explanation of how to get involved and contribute (with a link over to the wiki for more information on program/WG participation)
  • An explanation of how the standards (i.e., different work group products) are intended to be used together but also how they can be implemented as a standalone
  • A “getting started” guide / cookbook to implementing the standard
  • Links to reference implementations


  • Developers and Technologists who might be interested in implementing a standard like FDC3 and/or will be expected to write code that leverages the standards
  • Product managers and business architects of internal trading systems (either bought/deployed or homegrown/internally built)
  • Project managers within financial services organizations who implement trader desktop systems, applications, and tools
  • Executives and other project sponsors in the trading lines of business at banks
  • Product managers for fintechs and other software companies whose products might be good candidates to adopt, either wholly or in part, the FDC3 
  • Consultants who may implement, customize, and/or develop software that uses FDC3 at/for their clients

What Gets Written Where and For Whom?

Target PersonaProgram LevelWorking Group Level
Business OverviewExecutives in Trading Functions / Bank ExecutivesYesSummary of commercial value of the particular working group standard and specifically what business problems for trading desktop intertop it solves
Technical OverviewDevelopersYes, highlighting especially how the standards are used togetherYes, with examples of how a particular working group standards can be used alone
RoadmapAllYes, Summary of overall roadmap for 2019 roadmapYes, summary that represents the backlog and major features, functions, and use cases that the working group will be working on?
Getting Started / Implementation GuideDevelopers (and project managers)YesSpecific configuration, coding conventions, tips, etc. to be included in the implementation guide
How to Get InvolvedPotential Contributors (Developers)YesNo (can be summarized and pitched at program level)

https://github.com/FDC3 - Source code and master for documentation

README.md Requirements

(See Activation section of the Community Handbook for more info)

  • “description of the software, including a feature overview”
  • “installation & configuration instructions”
  • “description of how to use the software”
  • “links to other systems (further documentation, continuous integration & validation tools, artifact repository, change log / history, etc.)”
  • “Foundation status badge (“Released” when all criteria are met and PMC approves)”
  • “Roadmap”
  • “copyright & license information”

https://finosfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FDC3 - "The Wiki" - Group collaboration for program participants/interest

The primary purpose of the wiki is to help manage the project teams developing FDC3

https://www.finos.org/fdc3 - Finos FDC3 intro: 


  • Rob Underwood (Deactivated): Build overall documentation plan (this doc)

  • Kick start documentation Taskforce (initiate: Espen)

  • INTER-site Information Architecture - FINOS (Gabriele Columbro):
    • What goes on FINOS.org program page for FDC3 and FINOS.org website more generally?
    • What goes on wiki?
    • What goes on fdc3.finos.org (fdc3.org), the "main" site, for the product?

  • INTRA-Site Information Architecture / Navigation of the "main" micro-site, 
    • Is using the WG taxonomy an appropriate 1st level navigation construct? Are there better alternatives?
  • Perform Gap Analysis (What's Missing? What Needs to Get Updated) - Rob Underwood (Deactivated) 
  • Agree / change the proposed structure (information architecture) above (PMC / Taskforce)

  • Develop new FINOS consistent FDC3 branding Tosha Ellison Aaron Griswold
    • Logo
    • Color Palette

  • Update template for fdc3.finos.org and sub groups (new Taskforce)

  • Redirect fdc3.org to fdc3.finos.org (todo:OpenFin)

  • Update https://www.finos.org/fdc3 to include links to new landing page (Todo:FINOS)

  • Merge Mao’s pull requests into the different repo’s, after cleaning up the template and syncing links (todo: Mao + WG group leads)

  • Update intro docs (landing page on fdc3.finos.org ) (new Taskforce)


  • Press releases - where do they go?
  • Reference implementations / example implementations - where do we link/publish ?

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