FDC3 1.0 Release (Public Launch) Consolidated Plan

FDC3 1.0 Release (Public Launch) Consolidated Plan

Sprint Plan to Public Launch

Sprint 1: 12/17 - 12/31

  • Organizations continue trial implementation and evaluation of standards
  • Documentation (see Documentation Sub-Plan) - Espen Overbye Maurizio Pillitu 
    • Decide micro-site (fdc3.finos.org) information architecture
    • Assign authors and editors to section of the site

Sprint 2: 1/2 - 1/15

  • Milestone (1/15): Conclude evaluation period

Sprint 3: 1/16 - 1/31

  • Identify fixes and changes needed based on feedback generated during evaluation period

Sprint 4: 2/1 - 2/15

  • Define support model 

Sprint 5: 2/16 - 2/18

  • Implement support model 
  • Finalize and publish documentation

Launch Day: 3/1

  • Put press release on the wire (Caliber, FINOS PR Firm)

Post Go-Live (3/1/2018 ~ )

  • Task
  • Task

Go-Live Check-List 

The following go-live check-list to help the PMC and respective working group and project leads track progress, including and especially the requirements for activation that must be met to move a release formally to released status.

Requirement for ActivationCriteria for ReleaseExplanationOwnerStatusComments

Project Team "The project is supported by an engaged project team. While there may not be a formal SLA (depending on the availability of commercial support for the project), bugs and enhancement requests will be triaged and addressed by the team."From Activation page, "The project should have active contribution from two or more committers."

Documentation - README.md"The project is well documented."README.md requirements met in Github repo

See Documentation Sub-Plan for more detail

"The project is well documented."Required and recommended sections of the product (FDC3) microsite

See Documentation Sub-Plan for more detail


BinariesThe installation & upgrade experiences should be relatively smooth - binaries will be available at a minimum, and more advanced deployment options (installers, containers, VM images, automated upgrade scripts etc.) may also be available.

From Activation page, "Proof of adoption (e.g. in the form of download statistics, citing known deployments, etc.) must be provided." For FDC3, this means there should be a mechanism put in place to track usage and adoption of the standard

"The software is functional, though perhaps minimally viable."

Some form of user acceptance testing has been performed.

"The software has high quality - it has met or exceeded all of the Foundation's security and compliance requirements, and has been well tested."

Unit, integration, performance, and other forms of testing have been performed an acceptable level of quality achieved.

"The installation & upgrade experiences should be relatively smooth - binaries will be available at a minimum, and more advanced deployment options (installers, containers, VM images, automated upgrade scripts etc.) may also be available."

"The project is supported by an engaged project team. While there may not be a formal SLA (depending on the availability of commercial support for the project), bugs and enhancement requests will be triaged and addressed by the team.

"Backwards compatibility is a priority, and semantic versioning is used to clearly communicate breaking changes."

Major Tasks, Milestones, and Due Dates

MilestoneExample Component Tasks OwnerDeadlineStatusDependency NotesNotes
Trademark transferred from OpenFin to FINOS
OpenFin (Nicholas Kolba) and FINOS (Aaron Williamson)

Revised FINOS Branding of FDC3 Delivered
  • Engage Designer
  • Present current FDC3 design
  • Iterate over options
  • Select option
  • Receive final high res and web res assets
FINOS (Tosha Ellison)

Distribution Channels & Launch Activities

Internal Comms







Support Plan

Support POC: 




Reference materials

  • Link 1
  • Link 2
  • Link 3

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