2018-10-01 Meeting Notes

2018-10-01 Meeting Notes

Table of Contents




Citadel LLC
Leslie SpiroTick42
Tristan RatchfordWellington
Victor Rodriguez Gil JPMorgan
Vinod MehtaFactSet
Adam LancasterTick42
Riza Ture Wellington
Jonathan TeperJPMorgan
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS
Tosha EllisonFINOS

Outstanding Action Items

  • Johan Sandersson and Vinod Mehta would provide examples of how they are using context data in intents
  • Flesh out the specs regarding what it means to be context data compliant (Tim Kolecke and WG)


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll callIt was noted that there had been quite a bit of offline discussion and that a number of firms are already using context items in production so it's important to get the specification published and ratified.
10 minReview action items from previous meetings

Vinod posted comments on how context is used internally at FactSet.

10 minBrief overview of the relationship between Financial Objects, Context Data and other FDC3 WGsTim Kolecke

The group discussed the relationship between FDC3 Context Data and other working groups. Financial Objects is creating an object directory, what objects should be included in Context Data? Is it a simple wrapper that does not describe the the objects underneath, as this is the responsibility of Financial Objects? What about for a contact or company; how do we communicate these?

20 minReview Note on use of Context Types in FINOS FDC3 Intents

Tim Kolecke
Leslie Spiro

Leslie presented and the group discussed the note including:

  • A context can exist in many formats, i.e. can hold multiple ‘definitions’ of an item using different types (e.g. instrument form Reuters, Bloomberg, FactSet, Tick42, in-house, etc.)
  • Context item is, for example, a single instrument or client but can have multiple formats defined by different parties. That's why Leslie's proposal is to have different types rather than different field names. Financial Objects might have a type of its own that would not overlap with other apps, the payload would be mixed type and only apps that could use that data would be available.
  • It is important for this WG to focus on interoperability and not making data structures, to create an envelop and ensure people understand how to use it.
  • It looks like Vinod's and Leslie's examples are, or can be, compatible.
  • There is a draft specification in GitHub that still needs to be fleshed out. In addition to the laying out the draft spec, the group should create a definition that can be consumed by JS applications. TypeScript is a good way to use this and could also post to npm to be used by other applications. Leslie noted that they use TypScript and YAML because FDC3 AppDriectory uses YAML.
  • Once the group is ready to ratify (and it seems close) the process (at a high level) is to vote to ratify within the WG, publish the proposal for comment, present at the FDC3 General Meeting and then PMC ratifies.
  • The group wants to get this out for wider visibility ratification to Financial Objects, use Cases, API and AppDirectory WGs to make sure it works for them.
  • There was some discussion around handling of intents of mixed type, e.g., both contacts and instruments, and how to support this. Could be a custom object namespace type that contains two types. 
5 minAOB & adjournNone

Decisions Made

Action Items

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