2019-03-18 Meeting Minutes

2019-03-18 Meeting Minutes

Table of Contents


Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern


Johan SanderssonFactSet
Greg RuhnowFactSet
Ben GoldWellington
Former user (Deleted)JP Morgan
Riko EksteenAdaptive
Vinod MehtaFactSet
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

  • Johan, with FINOS help, to schedule a call between FO and FDC3 to discuss objects of common interest.


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll callGroup

5 minApprove minutes from previous meetingGroupMinutes approved.
5 minReview action items from previous meetingJohan Sandersson

FDC3 and FO meeting being scheduled. Discussion about what FO output provides and what FDC3 provides, particularly around how this is provided (e.g. textual spec, JSON, JSON Schema, TypeScript representations). 

5 minUpdate on FDC3 1.0 Public ReleaseRob Underwood (Deactivated)

Rob confirmed an email will be sent to all FDC3 group regarding remaining actions to be completed before go-live. Checklist can also be viewed at github.com/FDC3/FDC3/issues/32, noting specifically that the press release is targeted for 27th March.

20 minRepresentation of id and type fieldsGreg Ruhnow
Former user (Deleted)
Riko Eksteen
Nicholas Kolba
Leslie Spiro

A few have suggestions from the community:

  1. fdc3Id / fdc3Type
  2. fdc3IdMap / fdc3Type
  3. $id / $type

Discussion on the above included these points:

  • Necessity of keeping the same naming conventions for FO and FDC3 ids, what is required/optional, and versioning
  • Confirmed that 1.0 has been ratified so any changes would be part of 2.0 and should happen after an FO/FDC3 meeting
  • Versioning was intentionally kept out of this version and can be considered as part of future work. Note that current code will be tagged as v1.0 at release. 
  • It would be useful to see any implementation examples to help drive discussion forward.
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

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