2018-11-05 Meeting Notes - DRAFT (Yet to be approved)

2018-11-05 Meeting Notes - DRAFT (Yet to be approved)

Table of Contents




Citadel LLC
Adam LancasterTick42
Ben GoldWellington
Espen OverbyeOpenFin
Johan SanderssonFactSet
Leslie SpiroTick42
Riko EksteenJP Morgan
Tristan RatchfordWellington
Vinod MehtaFactSet
Zoltan BourneCitadel
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS
Tosha EllisonFINOS

Outstanding Action Items


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call
10 minReview action items from previous meetings

30 minReview updated proposal for context data schema

Riko Eksteen
Espen Overbye
Johan Sandersson

Meeting started with discussion of the Pull Request based on the presentation in the previous week’s meeting from Johann, Espen and Riko.

Tim noted that there is often disscussion about the line between Context Data and Financial Objects and asked the group to keep a focus on the schema itself. Where appropriate we can talk about how FO fits into the schema and how we communicate this to other places on the desktop as that’s what context data specification is about - providing a means for interoperability on the desktop.

Comments/discussion on PR #8  included:

  • Aim is to ensure that the schema will work for the lowest common denominator set of uses cases identified.
  • The object in discussion is the Context Object and only change is that type is prefaced with a $, which is normal in JS and JSON.

  • Tristan queried why the $ and Riko said it was to address concerns about other objects already using a property called type so was intended as a disambiguation and to also improve searching. An alternative was to use property type or called Context type or FDC3 type so this was to provide an easy way to identify that this is specific to FDC3. This could be included in data payload but that has been removed.
  • Quick recap on presentation from last week:
    • There were multiple type properties in the old envelope, object at top, definition, which was the URL and there was the type inside data payload.
    • Other major change is that there is no longer a data array. Instead of using an array you use an object with as many properties as you want within the object (really in JS it is an array with named indexes).
    • Discussed feasibility of bulk sending as well, e.g. sending 50 items in one message.
    • Dropping the envelope also means losing version and multiple approaches to handling version was discussed. (In FIX for example, you version the protocol)
    • Discussion around why there is no FDC3.type in this first version. Leslie suggested moving everything except Context into examples. Include a comment in the examples to say that in future the group may go on to specify the FDC3 instrument, for example. The group agreed.
    • You’ll know from the API that you are receiving a context event and focus here is the content within context.
    • Three things you can do with a context: broadcast, invoke intent,
  • Group agreed to drop versioning for this release and it can be addressed in a later version.
30 minDiscuss outstanding blockers to ratificationGroup

Riko asked if there were any other blockers to ratifying the ContextData spec and also asked whether they should have a type registry so there is an easy way to reference or collaborate around types. FINOS (Maurizio Pillitu and Rob) are working on standardizing this as part of the overall documentation standardization.

  • Leslie flagged a point on slide 10, which is that context can hold multiple types and asked about child contexts and the implication of a tree search. Ben commented that this is tricky because you are trying to guess and pattern match the object. Also potential performance implications. Espen noted that the subtypes allow you to traverse the object.
  • Ongoing disucssion about how types are discoverable.

  • Tristan raised one last thing: the ID field uses simple key value pairs and they might need something a bit more complex, e.g. string to number or nested ID, for example at Wellington they have “string | number | { [compositeIdName: string]: string | number | null };” This allows compound identifiers, to pass a holding, for example.
  • Here is an example of how you could potentially do it (holding example):

  • Agree as a group to use string only for now but suggested adding a PR that, for example, ID should also include numbers.
  • No other blockers to ratify the ContextData object and the specification.
10 minRatify schema for context dataGroup

Now up for voting is the current specification for Context Object and associated specification, with some minor changes to clarify the difference between the spec and examples. Agreed to merge PR # 8 as is and then do PR, within the next day or two to pull out examples.

Vote to move to ratify the Context Data specification as is:

Adam - Abstain (as previosuly agreed not two votes from Tick42)

Ben - Agree

Espen - Agree

Johan - Agree

Leslie - Agree

Riko - Agree

Tristan - Agree

Vinod - Agree

Tim - Agree

Zoltan - Abstain (with cause as joined late)

The group being quorate and the majority vote being in favour the motion passes.

This will be distributed tomorrow to a broader group tomorrow for a two-week comment period.

5 minAOB & adjournDiscussed the importance of bringing views together across all WGs so it’s clear how they all work together. There will be an extended FDC3 session on Day 2 (Nov 15) of OSSF to discuss this.

Decisions Made

Action Items

  • Espen Overbye to submit a PR separating Context TypeScript definitions from examples

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