

Under Review

[window] ssf.openWindow(url, name, windowOptions)


This api will allow the desktop wrapper to open a window on behalf of the Symphony Application.   While the window.open API is a long standard feature in the browser, desktop wrappers often require custom logic for window management. This api allows a desktop wrapper to use its own functions to open a window and create its own hooks on the handling of window state and additional window features.  

The function returns a reference to the DOM window object.

Expected Behavior

The ssf.openWindow api will prompt the desktop wrapper to open a new window using the given URL, name, and specified options.  This API follows the shape of the standard browser window.open API closely.

For example:

let winOptions =  “chrome=yes,width=662,height=660,centerscreen=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,titlebar=no”;

let win = ssf.openWindow(“/float.html?floaterId=2&floaterStreamId=J6CFT7GMyrqHetuDmadTE3///qDOzZbKdA==&x=95&y=38”, “window2”,  winOptions);

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