Desktop Container API Review

Desktop Container API Review

See OpenFin API documentation & Inter Op Strawman document donated by Former user (Deleted)

Please comments in the sections below, please label your comments with your name for each of identification

General Feedback on the overall structure of the API

naming convention
  • new-window & new-context should be changed to window-new & context-new - I know this hurts when you read it but it makes the whole thing consistent with [object]-[action]
Former user (Deleted)API equivalence
  • A lot more developers would be familiar with the more comprehensive Electron API (http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/)
  • The Electron API is less restrictive and we currently use it in a similar way as what is described in the interop strawman.

(star) Should be noted that we abstract postMessage and use it to make it easier to run our apps on browser/container mode ...
     We have about 3 apps in prod which use this approach and they are a little different.




Former user (Deleted)setTrayIconNot clear how to support more practical tray icon functionality like menus, animations and more complex events.
We are used to tray icons being entities in their own right to which we can add menus and other behavior. 
Former user (Deleted)GeneralNo native dialogs ?
Maybe I could not find them, but this seems very basic functionality

Also need to preserve snippet tool for pulling in screenshots etc

Former user (Deleted) - There are a couple of dedicated Electron modules for this.
The Chrome APIs can also be used directly, not sure about how OpenFin deals with it.


GeneralSeems like a positional wrapper around a standard sub-window, which is fine (we have one too) ...
We cache and reuse hidden sub-window instances behind the scenes, would be interesting to see what OpenFin does.

But we also have a native lightweight notification (think Notifications API (text) + a couple of bits (-browser window overhead))

Should we match the work already done in this area https://www.w3.org/TR/notifications/

Former user (Deleted) - This can (is) used by us on Electron for simple notifications ...
My comments above relate to more complex notifications (rich content floating in a corner of the screen).







Feedback Inter Op Strawman

Matthew Gardner
Looks good (certainly more listed than I could think of (smile)) - be good to use them - that's the real test of an API - when they get used

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