Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved changing the name of the "#Hashtag Standardization" working group to the "Tag Standardization Working Group"
June 11, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved adding Contrib-144 (ComitFS) as a project under the program, Oliver Kemmis as lead.
September 6, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved lifecycle transition of the ConteinterJS project to Archived, at the recommendation of Project Lead Colin Eberhardt (He/Him)
September 27, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved adding CONTRIB-20 (Click to Call (C2C) Integration) as a project under the program, Former user (Deleted) as lead.
October 30, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved adding CONTRIB-26 (Tableau Integration) as a project under the program, Chaitanya Kartheek M as lead.
December 10, 2018: The Symphony PMC approved activation of the clj-symphony Project at the request of the Project Lead Peter Monks on behalf of the project team. Congratulations to the project for achieving this project milestone!
January 29, 2019: The Symphony PMC approved lifecycle transition of the symphony-java-sample-bots project to Archived, at the recommendation of Project Lead Maurizio Pillitu
May 31, 2019: Pursuant to Section II A a and Section II A b of the Symphony Program Operations Policy, the Symphony PMC Lead, Lawrence Miller (Deactivated), nominated Umesh Patel ( as a candidate for membership in the Symphony PMC and as Symphony PMC Lead and Symphony Program Liaison. Following the voting procedure outlined in the Program Operations Policy, the Symphony PMC unanimously approved Umesh Patel for these three positions, replacing Lawrence Miller (Deactivated) as Symphony PMC Lead and Symphony Program Liaison. Following this appointment, the former Symphony PMC Lead, Lawrence Miller (Deactivated), resigned as a member of the Symphony PMC.
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